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Everything posted by BrianG

  1. Hi everyone, I was wondering why I was reset in the RPG surf server, I was one of the top levels, I think 16ish, I know under 20. The reset occurred during the DDOSing, and I assumed it was a database glitch that would be reset. But now I realize it was only myself and a few others who were reset. I was wondering if this can be reversed or if we just have to start over. Thanks for anyone whom may help me. And on a side note, is the RPG DM server gone?
  2. You guys really know 0 about DDOSing, lol. You can't just stop it, it can cost hundreds/thousands of dollars a month to be fully immune, and then your still not fully. .gov sites have been DDOSed before and I bet they had great protection. Even if you were able to backtrace the IP, you would get a proxy IP and have to test it for open ports in order to attempt at getting the real IP. And even if you did that, the authorities aren't going to respond quickly, and its a fine to them which goes to the government, not the victim. And lets say after that you wan't to sure them, it would be more money to fly, get a hotel, and a lawyer then to just deal with the loss.
  3. Devoted my soul? Dayum. But haiiiiii
  4. No big deal, casual round on RPG surf with no admins. Droplr • Not Found And I am not making multiple threads a day to get a slay? Ill just post everything I happen to catch here. Oh and I like how no admins respond.
  5. Good sheitttttttttttt Droplr • Not Found The names Heathen, my paint skills aren't 100%, sorry.
  6. I'm not sure if this is even enough but... Droplr • Not Found Shows him scoped at someone else, but it was taken right after he killed me who spawned infront of him
  7. I meant the bomb plant before 2. I knew the other sheit
  8. Alrighty I'll try to get some, thanks.
  9. Almost never see him nowadays :-( I guess I will start screenshotting this stuff, what actually should I get for action to be taken?
  10. I see what your saying, but I am not going to go bother an admin/mod for 1/2 spawnkills, and lets say an admin comes the person won't do it again. There is always about 5 too 10 mods on the Jailbreak server, it would be nice to have 1 on during the main parts of the day.
  11. I'm famous :D Yea this kid has to go. :lemo: Apparently this is allowed, I don't know.
  12. <3 I just get annoyed :p Not at you though xD your like the most rule observant guy there :D
  13. There are NEVER any mod or admins on the server. So when people camp portal, spawnkill and do other crap not allowed they go by untouched, then friends tell other friends "It doesn't matter no admins log on here anyway." So everyday you have people spamming, spawnkilling and portal camping. I don't know if it bothers any one else as much as it bothers me, but I figured I would write this in-between getting spawnkilled and portal camped. Please got more mods/admins on the surf server! Thanks for reading my rant. -Brian
  14. I hate my life, still won't launch. #windows8problems
  15. Hi peoples. I am fairly new to xG but I mainly play surf and Minecraft, figure I would come here to introduce myself. My name is Brian, I am 15 and I like to play/watch sports. I live in NY <3. That's me :P #linsanity<3
  16. BrianG


    Thanks man! Happy to be back on!
  17. BrianG


  18. BrianG


    Okay, I would appreciate that considering I spent numerous hours on that server getting diamonds ETC.
  19. BrianG


    Hi my name is Brian188246. I was wondering why i was just banned from the Minecraft server? I was walking around in a home until Nex (or something like that) started to kill me. I defended myself bye hitting him back, after I killed him I was banned. I am a bit confused why considering he attacked me and the city was opened to all to walk around. Thanks to whoever reads this. I know Hero94 and King J were on at the time.