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Posts posted by ShakeNBake


    In the MOTD under the Warden section it says "Tarping is ONLY after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by." The MOTD says nothing about Tarping as a CT that is not warden. What are the consequences of tarping, a slay, ct ban or is it the mod/admins decision? Would a tarp killing more than 3 people before 5:00 be considered mass freekill and treated as such?



    Frankly it shouldnt have to go into any further detail than that because it says you can't do it. If it doesn't specifically list how certain parties may or may not use it, it should be implied that no one can. (T's do it sometimes, such as when they lie about what the orders are at the start to get people who aren't listening killed, but since T's have no authority over anything at that time in the round, they cant be blamed for it the same way a CT would be)


    As far as consequences go, nearly all consequences can be at the admin's discretion depending on the situation. So, it probably doesn't need to be listed.

  2. Ok thank you ganja for not perming me and am i going to use this time to think and change how i act in the xG servers and no im not gunna change my name or anything like that.


    Oh hey, maybe that'll be enough time for this clan to turn around! Since we're talking about things that need to happen.

  3. I'm getting tired of new people getting on the server heading straight for the CT team and fucking freekilling the shit out of the prisoners because they don't know the rules.



    This is a huge inevitability due to the fact that xG has a considerably popular JB server. And has been for a while :P


    Also a week is a little too long, I think. People aren't going to want to wait out a week after first joining the server to be able to be a CT. A few hours of in game time on the server sounds a little better.


    Also, if people don't care about the MOTD, they won't read it. So if theres a CT that doesn't know the rules and is still playing CT then unless you slay their ass for breaking the rules/banning them, they probably won't get the message through their heads.

  4. Found it funny how you added the bit about how it isnt a shot at Dev. It's like a protection against anyone who jump to assumptions and get mad over them. Happens a lot, I find.


    Anyways, have fun at the cottage. Try not to get raped by bugs.


    I also think it's insulting that people don't think you're putting in as much as you should to the community, or anything else that would give reason to think you're a bad co-leader. You get a lot of shit done that silence normally wouldnt have time for.

  5. 2. You said it was a perm in the video now your saying you never stated it in the forums (yes you didnt say it in the forums but it doesn't matter because you said it in the video.)



    ....Are you high? Oh, nevermind. You edited what you said. But even still, the ban was (supposedly) changed from a perm to a 1 day. The video was taken BEFORE that happened.

  6. @@McNeo @Aegean!



    McNeo is a good admin I respect him and so does alot of other people. I highly doubt he randomly permd someone.


    He kept warning you to stop arguing about it, it is not abuse if he does somehting to you about it (he gave you like 3 warnings) and just because he was your friend doesn't mean you are involved.


    This picture here shows that he changed the ban to a day so this abuse report is incredibly wrong. Don't believe me? Look at the banlist yourself




    [MARQUEE]For your infromation you could of easily talked to him by putting an @ before a team message so you didn't have to slay yourself.[/MARQUEE]


    The banning of his friend isn't the only reason why this abuse thread is up. If you watched the whole video you'd know that rpgS was kicked merely for asking why his issue wasn't more properly resolved.


    Also, it wasn't Duke who got banned so it doesn't involve him, and he shouldnt try to know more about it? Nice reasoning there.


  7. Personally I think kicking/gagging/banning because you didnt "drop it" is horseshit. If someone wants to know about a touchy subject they deserve to know why it happened, otherwise you can expect people to be upset.


    Also shit, i'm surprised rpgS didn't kick the living hell out of a decent portion of the dead Ts for disrespecting him....Wait, nevermind. Figured out why by watching the whole video.

  8. I'm beginning to think that picture evidence of admin disrespect is needed to ban someone for any longer than a day...because if someone is LEGITIMATELY disrespecting an admin, or anyone for that matter, it'd probably be easy as fuck to just take a screenie then BOOM. Banned. Part of me doubts that if someone is actually disrespecting that it would conveniently ALL take place over a mic, or at least enough that someone would want to ban someone for a longer period of time than 1 day.


    I only say this in light of a few recent bannings of players for disrespect cases that have involved too harsh a punishment. It's beginning to get a little out of hand.

  9. So, gravedigging is kind of annoying because a thread should die when it is meant to. I propose in order to remedy the chance of gravedigging in the near future, that we ACTUALLY gravedig EVERYTHING possible, and make the high ups close all the near-but-not-yet-dead threads. This should incline future threads headed towards death to be closed to ensure that they are indeed dead.

  10. in many country, having sex with an intoxicated person or a passed out person is considered rape as they are not mentally there.


    I think it's called stagitory rape.


    Buuut yeah, i would say in most cases yes for what arthman said. Being under the influence you may not be able to properly convey that you dont want sex. Though, it'd be tricky to punish because she basically brought it on herself.