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Everything posted by ShakeNBake

  1. Tends to lose his temper when things aren't going his way. Prone to being disruptive, whines on occasion. I went out of line this morning and if he was a mod he would probably would have given far too harsh a punishment for what I did. So, +1 since most mods are like that anyways. lolnominusone
  2. ShakeNBake


    I've got it. Been wanting to play with others for a while. Message me if im on and i'd be down.
  3. Fucking this. People are going to treat you negatively if you do the same, with a rare exception. Some people are inherent assholes, but as far as creating drama goes, it'll probably take place as a result from multiple cases of heads butting.
  4. MRLGMLRMLGRMLGRLMGR Figured it out. /Request close.
  5. 100 hp weapon of your choice >:D +1
  6. Shut up and take my cookies! I SERIOUSLY love how you put that. All the homo. More on topic, I think it's HIGHLY underrated just how much the two months and 100 non spam posts are. A LOT can change in two months and getting involved and voicing your opinion is a very good way of proving that you're moderator material. Considering how promising some mods have been in the past that turn out to be bad apples, it can't be said enough that you should try doing everything you can to prove you're worthy of it.
  7. You learned your lesson....and yet there was nothing to learn? Meaning that you basically think you got banned for shits and giggles and no legit reason? Hard to change my opinion of you when you're a complete moron and continue to prove it. -1
  8. Thats like giving a gun to a 10 yr old and a Marine with 20 years of experience and saying that there's fair chance with no advantages. One thing you're forgetting in all this is EXPERIENCE. PHYSICALLY they have the CAPABILITY to do it, but that still doesnt mean that it's fair.
  9. I would suggest you use print screen for steam chat, then paste to paint then upload em. It helps legitimacy. And while ganja may have a bad rep, if you werent there for the whole thing then it puts a hamper on your credibility. I also agree with the thought that staff argue with each other much more than they need to. Frankly I think it's putting the hurt on xG more than randoms who just want to troll and piss people off.
  10. Only downside in getting mod is that the HLDJ'ing might get a bit annoying and as a Mod I have the feeling that no one would other than staff would have a say in whether or not you should stop for a bit. Doesnt bother me any, anyhow. Just tryin to represent those who dont speak up +1 VERY active, mature and doesnt tend to be a jerk, represents the clan pretty damn well.
  11. ShakeNBake


    ...Wasnt herpes a Div leader at that time, and/or a member of T3K? That would give a bit of a reason to make his punishment a little more severe, i would think...
  12. What one mod finds annoying isn't grounds to slay when you didnt ask to stop in the first place...+1
  13. I really dont know what does or doesnt go into peoples heads that make them think we're just going to take action against someone when no proof is present. Doubly so when they arent members, triply so when they have almost no activity in the community excluding on servers.
  14. ShakeNBake


    Not mature, wouldnt be a good contribution to the current moderating staff. -1
  15. +1. CS: GO needs admins. At least nighty has some experience being a mod.
  16. Disrespect is disrespect. +1 for day or two ban.
  17. Weren't you the one who made posts about how the mods suck? Lol.
  18. "Trolling" while "defending yourself" I lol'ed when I saw the screenshot. The gunplants are a different story. I agree with minecrack in that I think gunplanting is a big fuck you to the community rules, even if it's just for shits and giggles. A temp CT ban is probably in order.
  19. When he found out we live in the same city we talked a bit and it was cool how we both found our way to xG and live like 20 minutes away. Then we creeped each other's FB pages a bit. And had some hawt sex. But other than that havent met him. Either way he's probably not at his best. Again if anyone is a hardcore creeper and Aegean is at the top of their list lemme know!
  20. Hey guys. So, i recently i found out about all the recent crap (why did I bother saying recent twice) thats been going on with the clan, and specifically with Aegean. Now, aegean lives 20 mins away from me and IDK how well he's holding up so I was gonna go see the niqqa and help him out if I can. In short, if you guys have his cell number (or know if he even has one :S) lemme know! His private message inbox is FULL so I cant just send him a message saying "hope shits better bro" in short so yeah I just wanted to see what I could do to help if there was anything.
  21. Sorta on the fence considering your last mod app was closed only 4 days ago....might want to wait a little longer. Just noticed that you sorta spammed for the 100 posts. Yeah, you dont need to be active on the forums to maintain your mod status but I get the feeling that you literally won't use the forums after this. Just getting a bit of a bad vibe.
  22. Hasnt changed, and just likes the attention. -1
  23. "Ask every T that was there" Why thank you SO much for informing us of WHO we should be asking! Seriously, are you an idiot? How the hell are we going to take action against something that we not only have no proof of, but NO one is going to back this because we dont even know if they would be there. Also Stego has already outlined that you werent participating. There is so much illogical thought process here that it amazes me that Papi hasnt noticed. Close this up, please.
  24. I cant tell what confuses me the most, Your protest in general, or why it hasnt been closed yet :s