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Posts posted by JustinBieber

  1. Okay guys, I'll be that guy.


    All you annoying japan loving faggots.

    I don't mean the cooler furries, Pyro. You know I like you. But some of you guys are just the most annoying faggots to ever visit the internet. Please leave.

    For the love of God. Leave.

    3 posts above me, that brony shit.

    fuck off. ALL OF YOU.


    no offense herpes, I love you.

  2. I am only friendly till you annoy me or act like a total dumbass like you ^^ , guess the dumbass remark fits you well eh ?


    Well no, given the circumstances, I'd say that given your inability to spell or maintain any sort of composure when faced with confrontation despite trying to appeal for an unban, you sir are the 'dumbass'.


    -1'd lack's any sort of stability.


    ps ^ that's what neTex said.

  3. Pro Choice?, An Essay on why it’s Okay to Kill a Nigga.

    .........In the video “Pro Choice Response”, artvandelay4heyhey takes a different stance to the average abortion video stating that the baby could have been the next “Osama Bin Laden” for those who aren’t familiar with Laden’s work, it includes “See I told you so”, “[MEDIA=amazon]0671871218[/MEDIA] “Twlight”, [MEDIA=amazon]0316160172[/MEDIA] and “Necrophilia Variations”. [MEDIA=amazon]0970497113[/MEDIA]. The creator of the video tries to persuade people to side with Pro Life through Pathos, Logos, and Ethos.

    .........The creator of this video tried all different types of Pathos techniques in order to persuade the watcher to love the thought of killing children. At one point the creator shows various photos of the twin towers falling, this is supposed to be interpreted as the circle of life, as the towers fall yes, we do lose human life but we have so many chances for rebirth if we just keep disallowing abortion. He also shows numerous pictures of a sonogram for the baby, basically letting you get to know this child then saying that it’s okay to kill it. He’s trying to scare you from abortion but through reverse psychology!

    .........The Logos was probably the thing that stuck out the most in this tale, you see, it said that the father was leaving while the child was young. The only parents that do that are African American, they wanted you to feel sick letting a child die that was African American because Black babies are cute.( http://www.babies-cute.com/wp-conten...abies-Cute.jpg) They also said the mother would have it hard but let’s be serious, if it’s a black mother, what else are they doing with their time? 80% of black women are obese, so having a kid may help them at least have a proper reason to be obese.

    .........They tried to appeal to your Ethos through abortion, everybody’s taken a stance whether they want to admit it or not. He chose pictures that you’d associate with bad things (The towers from lord of the rings falling) (A black baby) (A poorly edited video) (the user name artvandelay4heyhey). This was a ticking time bomb for you to associate children with negative acts.

    .........In conclusion, Although Black people are starting to make the world overcrowded, I do not believe they should be killed.

    I started out trying, but got lazy in the end. Sorry Silence!

  4. Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. People like you are why this clan is literally dying out. You think your own lack of intelligence is called a "sense of humor." Then, you insult people in an attempt to assert yourself and prove something to your peers.


    Oh how cute, I defend my reasoning and you get offended and start spewing out random bullshit. I don't have any lack of intelligence, I thought it was cute that you were mad he was getting his friends to +1 but you go and get your friends to -1. Then you attack a specific group of players that actually haven't done anything but make the community better and more enjoyable. People don't want a super serious jailbreak server, they want somebody they can have a laugh with. That's why a large percentage of my friends stopped getting on, they got sick of "OH MY GOD PINKIE PIE IS SO HOT" I have nothing to prove to my peers, I am not going to get off this forum and high five all of my bodies in teamspeak and think GOD I told him. I am going to go, eat a fucking burger, and then ponder why the fuck people like you try so hard.

  5. So what you're saying is, your vouch is invalid? I asked people to -1 him on the grounds of him being a massive troll. You can continue to pollute the clan with troll scumshit if you want.


    I'd honestly much rather have a kid with a sense of humor than a guy who wants to fuck horses if that's what you mean.

  6. Someone is mad.


    You useless piece of shit, you're obviously mad too because you're posting despite having very little post.


    I apologize that Rabid isn't (note this SPOILER IS 18+)Aw removed the porn of a girl riding a cock quite viciously. Like most people in xG('m saying xG rides your cock) but you can't expect anyone to take you seriously with the bullshit you're putting in front of us, so I will kindly ask you to fuck off until you can present something that could be taken for proof.

  7. Fine. Whatever. Post a mod abuse thread. But I am done with this shit


    Oh wait. I forgot. Half the stuff you say is over the mic! So that we don't have proof of. But we have all heard it!


    i dont think fatties should have mod, fatty. not that i know your weight at all

  8. But dude, you're autistic. I don't want to have to deal with any of that autistic bullshit anymore. I'll gladly give you a + 1 when you can prove that you've gone to an insane asylum, have an 18 inch cock, or any of the bullshit stories you've fed us. What I'm really saying is stop feeding us bullshit and we'll be cool. -1

    ^ fuck you scrapped, stop trying to get 100 posts in a rushed amount of time, be patient you piece of ballsack.