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Posts posted by JustinBieber

  1. Hi Misseh, I'm JB and I'll be looking over your application for mod.

    First off I'd like an in-depth explanation of what happened for the incident so that can be fresh on your application for people who are wondering. this is a democracy and i'd prefer everyone be informed.

    Can you forward me a few steam communities so I can message a few of your previous mods and see your reasons for leaving

    and how you handled power. Futhermore answer these questions,


    Say someone is spamming his/her mic on minigames, how do you handle it?

    What is your favorite activity?

    Do you play any sports?

    Please post all references in this thread.

    Hope to see you on the servers sometime soon!

    JB, John.

  2. Hi TobytheSlave, I'm JB and I'm currently reviewing your application.

    From previous posts it's quite obvious that you lack maturity and have encouraged others to +1 you.

    Let me be the first to say that this behavior will not be tolerated and this is the only warning that I will give you.

    Futhermore xG already has enough immature members and you will need to mature up before there is any chance of you getting a +1 from me.


    Interview Portion:

    What can you offer xG?

    Why do you feel the need to spam and/or be an annoying member?

    Do you get enough attention at home?

  3. Hi, I'm JustinBieber and I'm currently reviewing your application.

    Xenogamers doesn't need any cocky players. Cockiness is a positive trait to have but one that isn't really necessary especially in a community such as ours when we pride ourselves on the closeness of our members but anyway, let's move onto our interview portion.

    What can you bring to xG that others cannot?

    What is your most embarrassing memory?

    What other clans/communities have you been in and can I please have a way to contact previous leaders, it's quite vital that I speak to them and see the grounds for your departure. Note: Please put this in a Name/Contact info format.


    I look forward to your response!

    JB, John.

  4. So I was tough on money recently, willing to do anything. I pushed drugs, sold my body, and worked at a comedy club among other things. This was all good and put bread on the table for my eccentric wife and gay son but it wasn't quite enough. I needed another money maker. I debated various ideas for days and finally realized that my homosexual son and I could start a CS:S community. We could call it HG or Homosexual Gamers. It quickly bloomed into a very successful community with tons of servers that were full of a majority of the time. Donations were nice but not as profitable as I'd hoped so I added a feature to where you could Admin for a fee. This was my downfall. tons of random people bought admin just so they could get the power they wanted, the community was no longer close-knit and power was no longer earned. This quickly ruined my reputation as a community owner and hurt my overall community. We lost quite a few players due to people's lack of enthusiasm to play on corrupt servers. But I did make enough money to fuck all the bitches I wanted.



  5. I forgot the log in to my email on my main account so im using the cousins account/computer for tonight.

    just letting you know the fact that im not mod and its not my normal account doesnt mean its not me.