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Posts posted by JustinBieber

  1. I change my decision to a +1 due to the fact that JB -1d him


    He does seem like a good guy and even though i previously -1d do to advertising he does not do it anymore which means he does listen to the rules better now. He is mature enough to join xG because by what JB says xG has too many immature members anyone more mature than him should get in.

    Again, you're doing that thing where you attack me despite me not doing anything towards you.

  2. Im done arguieng, JB when i come back to ESEA i better see u in MAIN cuz season is starting soon, if ur not even main gtfo my level u trash talker, i did change. Goodbye XG!


    Yeah man, I'm the trash talker.


    The only way I'll see you in main is if you reenable those walls and get some more backpacks you piece of shit.

    I tried to be nice and give you slight arguments but you're honestly one of the shittiest players I've ever met.

    You would be half decent, hell maybe pretty good if you weren't such a worthless piece of shit. You are useless. You for some reason have the mindset of "I'm a God and I'm gracing you guys with my company" but please realize, I am better than you. That means so little but it's true. even if you can beat me in a 1v1, I'll always get picked over the trash talking downie. Go back to "bootcamp" and by bootcamp I mean your mother's fucking vagina, that's the closest you'll get to getting laid if you don't change.


    Btw you "main player

    STEAM_0:1:26419931 Vac banned your ex account no proof

    STEAM_0:1:26419931 - Legit-Proof.com

    no proof

    New account. No proof. You're so shit.

  3. learn to count, you have an early 8dig.

    You wanted to prove you were better so you got a couple godlike friends to roll us. One of which was blatant.

    You're not a shitty player, but my god you're a shitty person. I feel you have some sort of superiority complex that just went through the roof. You can't take criticism, you can't be humble.

  4. Justin....you've told us more times than he has....remember the bandwagon of quitting and you just sat there raging at everyone going "guise i have a girlfriend and all that stuff but i still have time for the clan" and you said it more than 10 times....I'm not gonna +one or -one because I don't really know you very well.

    I live a more successful life than you, I understand.

  5. How am i trolling? i have a mapper making this atm, he's had 6 years of experience found him on gamebanana, learn facts before you speak please.


    God man, you're just such a troll.

  6. Hi Guys, I'm Justin Bieber. I'm a player who just recently joined the server who a lot


    of people like and respect.


    I have quite a bit of experience admining servers my most recent Xenogamers, Feel free


    to message them asking about how overqualified I was, I personally recommend messaging


    Rabid or Microsoft they are two people who I know will recommend me.


    I was quite well known for my anti-troll policies. I find trolling to be a vicious


    heinous crime and anyone who does it should be hung by their nipples from hooks.


    My personal motto is "Micro soft disfruta el sabor de la polla" or "Never give up."


    I was one of the most active mods at my previous position and given numerous


    promotions for my great work and I was well liked by all of the players.


    I frequently banned players because they would do things like say "faggot" or refer to


    players with derogatory terms, I mean how immature can you be?


    Looking foward to become part of the xG moderator team to rid the clan of vile trolls and backstabbers!


    Just to add to my references here our a few great posts and messages discussing me.

    -Thanks Justin bieber for being a complete ignorant bastard. Grow up, Grow a pair, Get


    off the forums, if all your going to do is, wait to make a snarky comment.




    1st off justin beiber you still have managed to screw up, when i said that middle


    school does not count that tells you... Wait for it... That i have had girlfriends


    before! Congratz what have you won! Nothing! Because you are a complete retard! And


    2nd skydaddy i quoted myself so that jb could try to sound out what i wrote.


    Case closed (also i know they are trolling me but i really dont care. I like making


    fun of the "simple minded" :p)



    I would like this guy to be stripped of his powers and his membership (IF NECESSARY)


    taken away.




    He, was trolling on the UK Jailbreak as dummy, and he had mod/admin on the server was


    able to unsilence himself and just troll and disrespect mods.


    SomefaggotIdon'tknow, Rain?


    this is super true rabid. the funny thing is i just asked aegean y he is still a mod on our servers yesterday.




    I saw the screenshots hes not welcome anymore i think we should get rid of him he is disrespecting mods/admins and all players he needs to be gone!


    Some faggot who wanted to raise his post cou- I mean a good well meaning member.


    As you can see I'm quite a qualified mod.

  7. My demotion is now finalized so I will say a few parting words.


    +1 was not there, but this guy is a douche, all he does is stalk forums, posting negative things, Don't need this kind of person here. He has proven now that he does not want to be here.


    You are a no-life faggot. You claim to have changed but all I see is a neckbeard possessing loser with no prospects in life. I feel like you could be a decent guy but all you do is whine like a little bitch if anyone says something you don't agree with. Grow up and realize that in the "real" world people will disagree with you and if you pull the same immature shit you did today you'd get punched in the face.


    +1 this is super true rabid. the funny thing is i just asked aegean y he is still a mod on our servers yesterday.


    Microsoft, If I knew you in real life I would of kicked your ass.

    You completely shit talked and tried to make sure that I lost all of my powers and that people hated me. Did you ever notice the first thing I did when I got on the servers was say hello to you? That's because I liked you despite us not speaking much because I thought you were a half decent mod. I'm not a dick but I'm glad to see that you are so eager to prove that I am.


    I would love to +1 from what I've seen so far you trolling me in my thread, but I can't.

    Good luck surviving all those +1's though.


    You must have some sort of split personality disorder or you think the human race is gullible. You haven't changed. You were forgiven for doing things much worse than I did and yet you're given a clean slate by a large portion of xG. Like I said to rabid, grow up. I do apologize for my semen comment. That was the only troll comment I made.


    +1 for removal of member status, brings nothing but negativity to himself and this community.


    I don't know you well and I will say this was the one that most surprised me and the only person I will apologize to. I am sorry if any comments I made during scrims pissed you off, you could school me any day.


    +1 never really has anything nice to say about anyone, even in promo demo he insulted some of the people who got promoted.


    Yeah, I remember you. I insulted you a while back because you're an immature twat. Glad to see you still hold a grudge. Or are you mad because you were one of the people I said didn't deserve it. Regardless, grow up. At least I vocalized my comment instead of being a two faced bitch.


    +1 Obviously trolling. BTW Korean you should have just banned him for a few days or something he was clearly trolling mod or not he was breaking a very strict rule dude.


    Duke, I'm glad you quit because you played way too much. You're not a bad guy regardless and I respected you as an admin.




    To everybody who encouraged I keep my mod, Thanks. I appreciate your efforts and your kind words.


    Night Guys.