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Posts posted by BlueRaja

  1. I agree, we need to make it more balanced for CT's, not make the T's even more powerful.


    How about a gun that T's can buy which looks real but, if used, blows up in their face and kills them. The point is that it can be dropped, and will still blow up when another teammate picks it up. Also, if a teammate kills themself with it, you get money or something.


    Bam. Makes things easier on the CT's, and makes me lol. Plus, T's will be more cautious about picking up random weapons and rebelling, or using a gun another T gave them.

  2. Feature-suggestion threads are for discussion of potential new features. Post your opinions or ideas for this feature here.


    A new member (I forget who) suggested this a few days ago. I think it's a great idea - CTs need something to do with their money anyways.


    CTs would be given the ability to buy a custom weapon, the defuser. When used on a T (not sure if it should be long-ranged or melee), if that T has a bomb, their bomb will be defused so they can no longer blow themselves up. The bomb-defuser will be a one-time use, so if a CT tries to defuse someone who doesn't have a bomb, they essentially wasted their money.

  3. It makes sense on jb, it gives the CTs an edge - even with AWPs, they still seem to be at a disatvantage.


    I agree on other servers it's cheap, though; every pub I know of that allows AWPs turns into AWPing AWP-fest with AWPs, starring AWPs.

  4. You don't have any sound at all? Or just cs/teamspeak? Is it only the voice you're missing, or all sounds?


    Or do you mean no one can hear your mic, but you can hear theirs?

  5. I think we should only have 2 slots for admins/mods. If I were a random player and were kicked if there was 5 slots opened, I would rage

    Reserved slots don't work like that in Sourcemod.


    If the server is full and a reserved-user wants to join, a non-reserved user will be kicked (I think it's always the person who's been there the least amount of time).


    Otherwise, the reserved slots don't have any noticeable effect.

  6. in console: Rate 1000000


    cl_updaterate 100

    cl_cmdrate 100


    Halps me on some servers


    Do NOT do this if you're having connectivity issues, this will only make things worse.


    First of all, those commands are meant to be "pro-gamer" settings, to make sure eg. headshots count as often as possible. These commands usually raise the number of packets your computer sends/receives, which will only make things worse if you're having problems with your connection.


    Second of all, like many of those "pro-gamer" settings, it was made by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. In CS:S, the max (and in fact, only) tic-rate a server can have is 66, meaning setting cl_updaterate to anything over 66 will have no effect (same goes with cl_cmdrate, which must be <= cl_updaterate). Many servers (including xG) limit cl_updaterate to even less than that, to conserve bandwidth.


    To read more about these settings, see the Valve Developer Wiki.

  7. Worked with Kermit to diagnose this; he is getting high loss on all CS:S servers, with no choke, so it looks like his Internet connection is being flaky. Could be computer issues, connection issues, router issues... I gave him instructions on how to diagnose further, which he'll do tomorrow.


    Defragging the cache files might marginally increase load-time when using a normal HDD, but it would not help connection or fps issues.