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Posts posted by BlueRaja

  1. Here's one: instead of the crappy "Your bomb has failed to detonate!" message, we could have the bomb malfunction, create a much smaller (and less dangerous) explosion, and start the T on fire, which will eventually kill him. Anyone that T touches, including other T's, will also start on fire. Choas and lulz ensue.


    This needs to be extremely rare to be fun, otherwise it will just get frustrating. I would recommend less than 2% (about 1 out of every 50 bombs). Same goes for Silence's "randomly start smoking" suggestion.

  2. If, hypothetically, there were a new programmer for xG and if, hypothetically, his first task were to update the suicide-bomb plugin with new features, what new features would you guys like to see? Hypothetically.


    ---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------


    Some ideas that have already been put forward:


    • Add a menu for buying bombs, to make it more noob-friendly (like we had when we were using the completely broken version of the plugin).
    • More than one type of bomb, with different costs/explosion radii. There's a potential problem with lots of people buying the cheaper bombs before the guy who wants to buy the expensive one can buy anything, but I think we can fix that by limiting the cheaper bombs.

  3. it was removed because ppl would use it at the start of the round, then they would respawn in the 4-5 sec window that they have and they would be unmuted before the 6:30 unmute. it was done so ts wouldnt be able to unmute themselves and start talking over warden


    So if someone were to fix the mute plugin so that didn't happen, would you reeenable !rules?

  4. Member Name: BlueRaja


    In-Game Name: BlueRaja


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:751545


    Age: 24


    Game Time: (CS:S) Since the day it came out. Play original CS since 1.1 (before Steam!)


    Helpful Skills: I'd make a great poster child because I am so good looking. Also, I make a damn good creme fraiche.


    Also, I am a professional software developer, and was once an active AMXX-plugin developer (which was written by the same people, and uses the same plugins-language (Pawn), as Sourcemod)