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Posts posted by BlueRaja

  1. It's really not user friendly. There's no tutorials or anything with the program.

    Actually for how powerful it is, it is extremely user-friendly. Compared to some professional modeling programs, like 3D-Max or Blender (ahhhh!), it's a cakewalk.


    And the documentation on the valve-wiki is amazing.

  2. // _Set netcode settings
    cl_cmdrate 100 // Reduces a lot of lag
    cl_interp 0.01
    cl_lagcompensation 1
    cl_updaterate 100
    cl_smooth 1
    rate 30000


    Most "high performance" network settings actually lower performance, or don't do anything at all. This is an example.


    The max values for cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are the server's tick-rate. Since, unlike CS 1.6, [b]ALL[/b] CS:S servers run at 66-ticks, any value over 66 is useless. And yes, that means that server companies advertising 101-tick servers are ripping you off.


    The cl_interp value affects how many frames the game uses for interpolation. You should leave this to the default, or small connection hiccups will cause players to be constantly bouncing all over the place. Any value smaller than cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate ≈ 0.017 is ignored. You can view your interpolation period by typing "net_graph 1" in the console - it's labeled "lerp."


    See here for more information.

  3. I have no idea who anyone is anymore. Basically, if I dont see an xG tag in your name, i remove you form my steam list lol.


    If you click the dropdown arrow next to their name and click "View Aliases," you can view their previous names.

  4. it was deleted because people were killing them selves at the begaing of the round

    They were doing it in the first few seconds of the round and respawning right away... that still happens when they suicide normally, so I don't understand why !rules was removed.



  5. lol instant warday in cells? thats an awp massacre by the cts, they'll just keep shooting in cells and healing whereas ts cant move anywhere

    Yeah we discussed that actually; either we should figure out a way to open cells (have the script press every button on the map at once?), or wait until like 6:30 when the terrorists should already be out of cells anyways (we could teleport all CT's or all T's to armory so T's don't get massacred :P)


    ...or make it cost money to switch to t so that they dont have like 30k when ts have like 10k

    I think we should just reset cash to 0 when changing teams. It doesn't make sense for it to carry over.

  6. If you add yourself to rotation and you have no mic, mods will just teamban you




    Another idea Silence and I were discussing: right now either no one can afford large bomb before mapchange, or there comes a point where EVERYONE can afford it, and CTs get super-bombed every round. So how about we make all bombs more expensive (especially large-bomb, which could be even MORE powerful :P).


    To counteract, we'd need another way for T's to get money. Silence suggested being able to bet on which CT will die first - having gambling like this will assure some T's will have lots of money, to afford bombs, but most won't. It also gives T's something to do while they are stuck in cells or AFK-frozen.


    Another idea would be betting that YOU would be the T to kill such-and-such CT.




    Another idea Silence came up with: random events. For example: randomly (~every 20/30 rounds?) all T's will be given guns and it's an instant war day.


    Anyone have ideas for other events?




    Finally, with all this extra ♥♥♥♥ we're giving T's, we need something for balance CT's. CTs gather up a lot of money, but have nothing to do with it. Any ideas?