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Posts posted by Mayeski

  1. Lets see, in the last 2 days you have...

    1. Threatened to DDoS llama

    2. Made false accusations about Jihad after making up stories that he hacked you

    3. Raged and disrespected members on TS

    4. Justin Bieber beat you on Scrim 1v1, he said in public how you are a very good player, but since he beat you, he is better then you, and what do you do? You tell him how he sucks and he is just an OPEN player or w.e

    5. You said when CS.GO comes out, you will cheat on the xbox also


    Nothing more to say, I'll leave this open but I honestly don't believe you changed.


    Aegean, please give him one more chance he has changed!

  2. I turn my +1 to a -1, unban only peechis in my opinion. Herpes just did a 5v5 scrim with xG, and he was Aimbotting lol... obvious aimbot too. We are banning him from our servers, remove his admin on our Scrim server please.


    Yeah Herpes is a massive faggot.


    But Rabid, you don't have much room to talk after the Netex thread where you basically shoved your opinion down everyone's throat like your 2 inch cock acting like you're the only rational person in this clan who's always right.

    Ahaha, this so hard. People aren't allowed to have opinions here by the logic in his post.

    Anyway I'm at a -1, if you know jb this is normal and he's done this before without anyone really caring.

  4. The whole point of an admin/moderator mute is to keep that person quiet for the better of the server. I would categorize Puppyluv as for the better of the server, as she's been CTbanned a few times I believe, and has been warned countless, COUNTLESS times to not use her microphone.

  5. Decision: +1

    Why: He's always wanted to be a mod. I trust him with the powers, he doesn't seem like the guy that would abuse, he knows the rules extremely well and I'd be proud to have him as a moderator on CSS. A rolemodel for others.

    Maturity: Very mature from what I've seen.

    Activity: Very active on teamspeak and CSS.

    -Ben Dover

  6. Mayeski, thanks for keeping everyone updated. You could be a fucking journalist, esecially since you are the only one trolling me on this thread. Anyway, it almost cheers me up just seeing how pathetic you must be to troll someone on the brink of committing scuicide.

    I'm not trolling though, you should learn the definition of it. It's suspicious that you quit xG, don't give a reason, give us a sad story and then join t3k. I'm only calling what I see, that's not trolling. You should stop being on the internet if you don't know the definition of 'trolling', or are in a position where you may commit suicide.