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Posts posted by Mayeski

  1. So I was in jailbreak on CT and I got a complaint about a CT breaking vents, I stood by vents when a new round started and I saw the guy do it, as I'm about to teamban him, a few other people get slayed around me, and then I get slayed. I hear some sort of monster say "HURR NOT OUT OF ARMORY BY 7:45 FAGGOTS"


    Guess what motherfucker slayed me.


    Motherfuckin' Trifdign


    And then I publicly verbally abused him.


    The end.

  2. I +1 a longer ban, I was there and did most of the work. I gagged him for a minute to get him to stop, he didn't so I kicked him, and then E.Z. banned him for an hour, everything E.Z. said is true.

  3. ...I JUST talked to chicken, we got this straitened out. Do you mind telling me why I am not that good of a mod? I don't even know who you are...let alone see you on the servers. So..... mind yelling me? If I have played with you, and I didn't do anything when something happens, is because I am mess with config files to make things run faster... Anyway, me and chicken got things worked out.


    My vote is now a 0. Thanks for the rude comment!

    PieMan banned again. Surprised? No.

  4. Mayesaki, hes my friend. calling me retarted will not help this situation. Did i even say anything to you? Nice job trying to start up a flame war again. Fail troll is fail

    No, fuck off. I'm sick of your shit, stop acting like the victim here. Don't do shit when you know nothing about it. Also, it's Mayeski, not fucking Mayesaki, learn to read.

  5. You're retarded, completely retarded. If you DON'T know the story, and it's being kept private, and you know ANYTHING why would you bother? Because you're one of his fanboys? This is PRIVATE, LEAVE IT THAT WAY.


  6. Well, you did not do that good in jailbreak the last time I saw you. Saying out loud on your mic "You are alloud to troll" is not okay. Please don't go "That was not me." or "That never happened." as SGTBLU will back me up. Its not that I dislike you, I just feel you need a little bit more time before getting mod. Also, one last thing; getting mod does not give you the rights to troll and not be punished. Please stop +1ing if he asks or you are freinds with him, think if he will actually make a good mod. Please improve and I will change my mind.




    Sorry chicken.


    ~Colorful Dot


    You aren't really in any room to judge who becomes a mod or not, because you aren't that good of a mod yourself.