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Posts posted by Killaconor

  1. i bought it when it was in alpha and played it at various stages of its infancy, its gotten to be a good game but it'll never be like the original tribes. oh well.

  2. +1 to get your mod back.


    If the reason you were demoted was incorrect (it was, I'm a good friend of Kermit's and i have never asked him NOR has he put me onto CT's) then Silence should reinstate it and no harm no foul. But if he refuses to and shows no evidence for proof then i think you should leave. I think i would leave too. This is NOT an ultimatum; i clearly dont believe in spending my free time with a community that's leader would blindly and baselessly take the role of Judge, Jury and Executioner and demote one of the best Moderators in this community without evidence. And i realize that i have no pull or status in this guild that would make my leaving it groundbreaking or even really effect anyone. I just wouldnt want to play on a server where the leaders would blindly use what little power they have in life to effect others negatively. Its a fucking game. Worst case scenario we/I play on another server and its like i never left at all. I would still keep in contact with those whom i have grown connections with, But i dont think i would play with them on xG servers.


    That being said, I believe the ball is in Silence's court and i await his ordering.

  3. so whats caused this? and why the fuck aren't we allowed to talk about it? Its interfering with many of our funnest game server that we have paid money for and it seems like nothing is being done about it and are being told not to talk about it. No, fuck that! Someone needs to bring light to this and SOLVE IT! I heard getting a VIP IP can prevent DDoS, hell ANYTHING done to fix this and keep a MATURE debate on this subject alive will calm tempers.


    And if i get banned or kicked for bringing this up i feel its an abuse of power because all im trying to do is get a problem fixed! it can only get fixed by talking about it and solving it! NOT sweeping it under the rug and making it a Taboo subject.

  4. Hello,


    Im applying for Mod because i believe that i can be an asset to the Xeno Gamers Community. I know i dont have a 100 post's on the forums but instead of spamming nonsense to get my post count up and ruining the thing im trying to preserve in the process. I understand the power that comes with Mod and thats not a reason why im asking for this, Thats actually a reason why i didnt ask for this sooner. I wanted to wait and make sure i knew the rules, and after reading the MotD like the bible (if i read the bible like playboys) i believe i have the competency to uphold the rules.


    But please -1 me if you have any warranted ill-will against me and please be sure to explain why you either +1 or -1 my application but please be coherent in your reasons.



    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  5. Another thing, is that randomizer might ruin the Mic/No mic ratio, causing a rise in the mic check day. And, by some ungodly bad luck, what if not a single CT had a mic. Not one. What then?


    Damn, i hadnt thought of that, other than only queing up for !guard if you have a mic --like making it a requirement for CT in the MOTD or something-- i dont see a way around that. :/

  6. Hello, i believe that we should re-do the !guard system because it is elitist and does not allow for education to new players to an XG server.


    The way we currently have it is if theres a new map and people are just coming in the players who commonly play on the JB server have almost a zero second load timebetween maps so tey get into the server fastest and type !guard while the music is still playing and get to become CT's.


    With that system only regular xG players get to become CT and Warden. Thats not that bad because it allows for people who know the rules to enforce them. But until recently i find myself waiting and watching the loading bar with my fingers on all the hotkeys so that in half a second apon seeing the MOTD screen i am in game and in slot 1 for CT's.


    I dont think this allows for people who are new to the server but have read the MOTD and are potential great CT's to get into the server fast enough and slot up for CT's to become a CT.


    As i type this i am trying to think of a resolution to this problem ( maby im the only one who thinks this is one) other than a lottery of random CT's or maby every round theres a new bunch of CT's. Maby that would allow for an even chance.


    Anyway thanks for reading and if anything this is a chance to reflect on our current system and get a new perspective on it.