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Posts posted by Killaconor

  1. I would like to start an official petition to have something called a "Goat Freeday" its where all people have to crouch and go " Baaaaa im a goat!" i tried it once and i believe i have full support of the community.

  2. Not sure if its worthy of a forums post but here we go.


    "ok, how about this: i go rent a car, blow you while you drive it 150mph down the high-way. Spit your semen at oncoming traffic so that our combined speeds will cause it to break through their windshield and in- an explosion of hyper fast semen and glass- blind them causing them to lose control of their vehicle, smash into oncoming traffic. Become ejected from their car and fly a couple hundred feet and into a local skyscraper where the CEO of a fortune 500 company is busily working on world domination and into the wall in an explosion of glass, semen, and blood. Severly traumatizing the CEO so that he quits his job and devotes his life to charity?"

  3. I dunno if this still works, but apparently you can drag the pic into google, and do like... a reverse search engine effect so you can find out where the picture is from... I think?I have school so i have no time to do this, nor is it appropriate in school lol, but I believe it will work


    TinEye Reverse Image Search i believe