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Everything posted by TheAlpha31

  1. B-Hopping - The noob's way of avoiding imminent death. :P
  2. I do agree with what Smoker said. I think it is a bad idea to be forced to post on the forums just to change your name. I see lots of unhappy moderators/admins. And, there is the !who command that you can use as a last resort.
  3. What I see - Beans, Watermelons, and raspberries!
  4. I am not sure, as I don't (yet!) play on the server, but it may have to do with HDD space. When you add the Nether, it adds about 1/2 of the space of the normal world. For example, if you have four worlds that you play in, that will equal an additional two for the Nether, in HDD space. Also, if you have players in both world, it is having to do multiple more times loading/unloading chunks, since the players are going to be more spread out. In the end, if you have a moderately to highly populated server, it can be best to turn off the Nether!
  5. Eh, I think it depends on what is and is not going to be supported at release. If they release a modding API during the betas, who knows how quickly the mods will come flooding! As for the maps... that is an entirely different case I think. As for me, I am a newbie and don't really know what I am talking about. :D
  6. I am definitely going to say buy a TV...
  7. I think she is one of the moderators. Happy birthday!
  8. I, for one, like the last CT music, however I have seen lots of people complaining. I agree though, I think a contest would be a good idea. As for a prize... A special hat?
  9. Member Name: TheAlpha31 In-Game Name: TheAlpha31 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20454072 Age: 16 Game Time: CS:S - 106 hours, Minecraft - Since 1/20/11 Helpful Skills: Excellent computer skills, good at management, generally get along with people, hardcore gamer. In game, I try my best to follow the MOTD, and help clarify rules with other players.