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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. what are you talking about? i had a small bomb and i killed 4 ppl pretty sure it works....... obviously if its a long distance only damaged will be happened its not a large bomb.
  2. +1 he is a great player. none of the mods have problems with him as he plays T only :)
  3. to begin with with i only "dislike" him not because of his voice, because the way he acts.... i dont judge ppl if they are kids or not, i judge the way they act and this guy really doesnt no who to be ct, disrespects lots of ppl, and he mic spams at the most unwanted times... dont be calling us tards for our opinions.....
  4. umm id +1 u but ur already in another clan soo -1 for that u dont meet qualifications btw the clan ur in is NO3 leave it and my -1 will turn to a +1 Edit:he left his clan: +1 from me
  5. -1 freekills a lot and pretty annoying.... always spamming mic for no reason...
  6. tbh i dont hate kids cause of their voice..... i hate the way they act... now mick lots of ppl do disrespect u i agree that shudnt be allowed.... and ur voice is fine btw i dont no who disrespects u.. and im sure admins do their job btw....
  7. i can make a map if u want but it will take a long time to make it and to actually make it good.
  8. +1 agreed bad map..... remove it besides hg sucks and its so similar to razor electric
  9. its decidied we arent going to split the jb server than :P
  10. No idont agree simply because if servers are split not as much fun :/ besides not much for mods to look out for except on ct side.. and if 1 mod online or a couple they dont want to be bugged to go on both JB servers at the same time...
  11. +1 of course! :) for pool days XD
  12. +1 ♥♥♥♥ing hell yes!! Would go great with a furry freeday!!!
  13. +1 played with him many times knows rules pretty fun guy too plays on T only so he doesnt have much problems :)
  14. no thanks no need for the ban :P besides hacks are for noobs
  15. lol? u repeated it twice? XD but yea played with him b4 pretty good player. +1
  16. lol serbian i didnt say every1 scripts xD u dont need to ban every1 and blueraja i siad if any1 needed it illsend it indivdually..
  17. lol no no thats just me joking xD no but honestly some ppl really do script idk if u do if u dont well u guys are good in bhop i just hate how ppl are hacking on your servers to be better in some way its the same as aimbot but hidden
  18. well I have this plugin to show if players script.(meaning they download a hack to perfect them in bhopping) i noticed u guys dont have it on your servers and i thought i could help out and give it to u guys if u need it. if u do accept i will give the plugin to any devision leader or co leaders. we really need it on our servers ive seen ppl script but some ppl(mods/admins) cant tell if they havent bhopped. anyways tell me if u guys think we should have it.. thank u
  19. just say talk over me your a rebel... then kill them if they continue. and i bet a mod/admin wouldnt do anything if som1 is micspamming.....
  20. +1 not a strict warden fun guy to play wiht :)
  21. -1 always disrespecting....