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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. +1 of course would be great member :) knows all rules and very friendly to all players
  2. +1 mic needs to be clear and Ts must understand commands urs jay breeze too much feedback + it sounds like ur mic is going on and off repeatedly when u command
  3. ur configurations.. besides i think every1 has this type of configuration.
  4. i think every1 has that..... tell me where to find them
  5. type in console bind w exit :P
  6. Mohammad

    Glenn Beck

    well i agree that this type of trolling shouldnt be allowed or tolerated on the servers....... but he does deserve 1 more chance to prove himself differntly, however i do recommend a 2 week ban on all servers. if he is caught by any mod/admin or even member trolling to a point where its disrepect, he can then be perma banned.
  7. Not to be mean or anything but this is the dumbest idea ever. -1 first of all most orders of cts involve Ts stacking so if there is no block well CTs and Ts wouldnt have a good time now then shall they? without no block jb would suck
  8. Well to be honest, wouldnt be much help, he does truly argue with lots of admins espically when calling warden :/ i have nothing aganist him but its going to be -1 from me
  9. Mohammad


    +1 of course, unique is a great player, knows the rules, active, and a great guy to play with :)
  10. OMG!! MAN THATS NOT WAT U DO TO ME I CAN ASSURE U THAT IS JUST DISGUSTING u can touch urself i dont like u touching me though
  11. No im not saying stay on the same maps some maps are truly boring but 1 CT shouts " RTV FREEEDAAYYY!!" every1 rtvs and we only play 1 round of the map itself....
  12. Mohammad


    +1 this guy knew the rules when he has in xG also pretty funny makes the game fun :)
  13. yea thanks its just a ♥♥♥♥ off to always change map cause 1 person doesnt like it. a lot of ppl get annoyed by this but thanks
  14. no tbh if its a map even if it is popular after 1 round of the map some random CT screams rtv freeday and dumb Ts rtv -.- even if it is a good map -.-
  15. can we plz restrict this. If 1 CT hates the map he just shouts out RTV freeday (or warday etc.) really annoying cause we dont even get to play a couple decent rounds and map already changes. im not asking to remove it but like after 7 rounds its permissible to give a RTV freeday. thanks
  16. Mohammad


    +1 good guy knows all rules active on JB
  17. +1 agreed cheap lr anyway....
  18. hmm but tbh chickenlips some mods are different, some find it funny some dont. its the mods decisoin in the end its admin words that are final
  19. hmm i agree joshi/kermit/even jamals voices are fine with every1 mic spam annoys me most but these three are plain funny
  20. Hey guys, so since im in this new great clan thought i might help out ill start recommending maps for JB since its my favorite server i got LOTS of maps to recommend but well do 1 at a time :P ill be using this thread for any maps i want to recommend. 1st map: ba_jail_leoben (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA tell me wat u guys think and when u want a second map recommnded^^ thanks
  21. i agree as well +1 rex was 1 of the mods that helped me when i first joined xG really made me feel comfortable in the community, itd be a shame to not let him back in