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Posts posted by Mohammad

  1. I still say you're scripting, but it's up to higher ranks to unban you or not.

    Up to u

    Might i just add that u also thought segway was a hacker just cause he beat takibo just putting that out there

  2. lol

    ive seen people wayy better than me no lie

    Play on real bhop servers youll see good players im not comparing myself to the average bhopper.

  3. lol i can assure u i dont script...

    But thanks for pointing out that im a good bhopper

    btw when u bhop a lot it comes to the point where you no when to jump

    Does that mean all pro bhoppers script? im not calling myself pro im just saying ive specced people 10x better than me and their bhop is silent because they no when to jump.

  4. I dont think u can hear jumps in demos just saying try it urself

    bhop demo urself, u can hear urslef bhop when u watch the demo u cant.

  5. i got 2 demos of u on mg, in which at one point ur bad at bhop, and at another point, ur bhopping through the levels and beating them on the first try, ill upload them in a sec


    Deposit Files


    Deposit Files

    Is that really how you are basing your judgement? i mean i bhop alot... even the server i bhop on has its own plugin to automatically catch scripters and ban them. I never got banned. (if u want add me and u can even talk to the clan leader)

    So what if i bhopped better than before? i didnt think anyone would be demoing me so idc really...

    Im sure i dont script... and ive been bhopping for a long time...

  6. trolling aside.

    he does abuse a lot and ive seen it

    he freeslays freekicks etc.

    if someone tells him to stfu or call him a faggot he kicks no warnings

    i think he is too sensitive to be a mod

  7. +1 to remove charrax

    i think he doesnt know how to be div for gmod anyways

    i mean the old gmod team actually made plugins for the server and fixed bugs

    i dont play gmod enough but thats what i heard.

    He thinks he is badass and that he could do what ever he wants.

  8. +1 for unban i dont really think he wallhacks. i mean he has played above 1000 hours on css. he might be just good.

    and once you no maps very well ppl usually prefire spots where they think the enemy would hide. but then again idk he might be and just hiding it.

    btw isnt there arule on 3 admins agreeing that some1 is hacking?