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Posts posted by Mohammad

  1. 1. 11 letters

    2. 4

    3. your speed :P

    4. spoon + fork = Spork

    5. 1/7 ithink :( (btw its between 1-9)

    6. 2

    7. 0

    8. he rode his horse

    9. u dont bury survivors :P

    10. Memories

    u guys stole me answers!

  2. 1. 26 letters

    2. 4

    3. nothing

    4. spoon + fork = Spork

    5. 1/18 ithink :(

    6. 2

    7. 0

    8. he rode his horse

    9. u dont bury survivors :P

    10. God

    i think i got 3 wrong :(


    ---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------


    1. 11 letters

    2. 4

    3. your speed :P

    4. spoon + fork = Spork

    5. 1/16 ithink :(

    6. 2

    7. 0

    8. he rode his horse

    9. u dont bury survivors :P

    10. Memories

  3. Hey Mohammad. Tell me how to Demo in steam and where to find them after and they are -all- yours.

    When in the server,

    1. Spec the person Rulebreaking

    2. open up console and type in record

    3. Record the player for how long you want then open up console again and type stop to stop the demo

    4. Go into your steam folder and you have the demo there

    5. If you want to view your demo go in console and type playdemo <name>

    Unfortunately i forgot how to upload it to the forums but i think you need to use mediafire, but i dont remember

    Sporky does a diffferent method, you can ask him if you want

  4. Haha Mohadmin, you saw my fail aim to an epic knife? XD but if i get mod, i get mod if not i'll just wait for the next 2 weeks. but seriously, at least 3 days. If not i'll just demo him another time then .

    not entirely sure, but im sure it wont be a week

    get another demo of him freekilling it MIGHT be a week

    also try to get his steam id we cant do anything without a steam id :/

  5. i just laughed at the whole thing lol...

    but, this guy doesnt need a week ban i think he killed like 4 ts only? maybe 5 idk

    maybe 4 days, if you have another demo of him freekilling it may change to a week.

    btw, sporky is doing good demoing freekillers/rulebreakers on our jb server :P we should have him as mod :P

  6. call for back up mohammad, nothings more fun than shutting everyone up and kicking the retards left and right lol, but call for help if u need it, nothing wrong with that

    lol i no man, but i was also only admin on the server (maybe one mod on) so i had to watch out for lots of stuff too many things on my mind with the server and such

    but yea ill get ppl i remember at the time to back me up :)

  7. you need proof. BUT if people do that shit, warn and if they dont stop do w/e you feel you need to, to deal with the problem you are an admin. not a mod.

    Duke he started the "disrespect fest" as a admin im allowed to ban him yes, but i couldnt control anyone on the server

    most of them just disrespecting on the mic....

    if i were to then take action towards ONE person, everyone would come in on forums spamming ADMIN ABUSE!!! ADMIN ABUSE!!

    obviously no 1 would believe me since it would be 50 other peoples word against mine..

  8. Did i not just mention you kept calling me a fag warden? you made everyone on the server disrespect me and i couldnt control anyone, and if i were to do something id look like the bad guy and have everyone on the server aganist me.

    besides you do not no the rules as a CT. you should deserve a ct ban as well...

    read the rules again...