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Posts posted by JakeEnglish

  1. I've played with North extensively in surf and have had him break the rules one or two times, but when warned about it he stopped. I don't think he deserves a global perm. I don't know him personally, but he seems like an okay guy, and we even gave neteX chance after chance. Leave him with a week or so ban to read the server rules and agree with them.

    Also, not to copy Aegean, but aren't we supposed to not act on something until we have physical proof?

    +1 for unban or lowered ban time

  2. inb4 aegean hates life cause no proof

    Yeah, yellower does do that shit a lot. Never seem him cellspam, but he yells out warden dead freeday. I didn't really think it was a problem. o.o

  3. Late at night, the server is scarce of administration and kills are as free as toothpicks at a restaurant.


    OJ may not be the sun rise after the night, but if he becomes mod, at least he'll be our Sunny D.


    Now if you want some vitamin C in your diet, and Doug isn't talking about cocks this time, give this man a +1


    God I love Doug's forum posts. Batshit crazy, half gibberish, and completely true. +1 on Orange for mod. He's always on at like 3-7 AM when i'm the only fuckin' xG member on the servers besides Duke. :/

  4. Oh dude pics PLEAAASE!! I'm going to get a Ka-Bar soon and am having trouble deciding on the sytle.

    Btw in case you didn't know, it's made of 1095 carbon steel which rusts if you don't keep it oiled. My cousin had one and ruined it :.(


    I don't have a camera. And I honestly don't know anything about weapons at all. All three of them were my dad's before he died.

    I figured out the type of revolver with the help of a hobby shop, though. Gun Review: Smith and Wesson Model 66 357 Magnum Revolver

  5. Since this thread has pretty much become a "I'm gonna brag thread" by now, I figured it's time to put you all to shame.


    3. I started smoking at age 13, when it was cool. Now that I'm in college and everyone who wants to fit in smokes (I'm talking about pimple faced nerds, wannabe alphas, and fat bitches) I quit cold turkey. Easiest thing in my life; people who cannot quit cigarettes are weak as shit.

    4. I can bench 225 lbs ~23-25 times in a row, no breaks. But usually I do low reps (1-3) and am now up to 315 (3 plates). Strength > Endurance IMO.


    Inb4 Smoker dies of a heart attack from years of smoking + an overworked heart


    What smoker thinks he looks like :



    What Smoker actually looks like :




    You know i'm just fuckin' with ya. :P


  6. Personal details on xG? Say what?

    1. Part of my name is Jedd. That's all you get.

    2. I have more than one dis-associative disorder and have been medicated for more than ten years

    3. I'm extremely paranoid in real life, even though i'm extremely relaxed (socially) on the Internet. I carry a Ka-Bar and an unregistered revolver that my dad left me when he passed away in my car, and a small switchblade on my person.

    4. I'd give my life for just about anyone. I'm not depressed, I just want to have the opportunity to have died for a good reason.

    5. I love making people happy. The only reason I get up every day is for that little laugh or smile I can get out of someone.


    I didn't want to make it so personal, but i'm rather boring otherwise. xD


    Those who say it makes you look disgusting, who the fuck are you to judge whatever I do with my body? I have my own damn reasons. It doesnt make me any more/ less of a person than someone who habitually drinks energy drinks or alcohol lol


    When I say "You" I mean me. As in, when I smoked, I hated the way it made me look, the way it made my clothes smell.

    Also, your post is kinda redundant being that you replied to the topic which is a conversation about cigarettes

  8. Doug might be loud, obnoxious, and brash, but only in a playful way. He's aware of the rules, and he's actually a good guy. Maybe if you'd given him a chance, you'd have figured that out yourself. Also, next time you try to incriminate someone, take a demo that has some fucking proof in it. you know you're retarded when you can get me mad.. ._.

    -1 for ban. Ridiculous.

  9. As was said before, I've played with him in Jb, surf, and minigames over the last like week and a half.. hasn't changed a bit. Freekills, gets slain, then argues with admin. -1

    He's very recently made negative comments about the community in jb . I don't know why you'd even want to rejoin in the first place if you dislike the place so much.

  10. So you suggest guys be a douchebag? Alright fair enough. The guy literally tried to be THE NICEST GUY to her. That meant that he listened to her cry when that jerk used her. I'm just saying that a lot of women are absolutely the blindest and dumbest creatures on this planet, they underestimate guys so much, it's insane.


    Also on a personal note, I don't need advice (don't take that the wrong way) cause I've been with the same girl for a little over two years now. It's the stupidity you see from these teenage girls who refuse to look past what they want to get what they need..

    I agree with you completely. Why do you think I stopped dating girls after highschool?

    This was directed at the younger age group, after all. If you're around my age, you shouldn't really care about petty dating bullshit, and be more concerned about finding someone to be with in the long term. :3

  11. *ehem*

    Don't take this the wrong way guys, but man up. If you act like a FRIEND, she's going to FRIENDzone you. True story.

    First thing you need to do is figure out if you want to just fuck or if you want a relationship, cause they are usually two totally different approaches.

    Also, if you're not talking to her mostly in person, you're doing it WRONG. Facebook chat = friendzone chat.


    I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you guys this, i don't date girls. D: also gay guys make good wingmen when you're trying to pick up chicks, just saiyan


  12. WTF is going on in here you're all sick fucks nuff said besides mad props to ms. snackbar im too shy to show anything off:/....Maybe if it was only cookies and duke i would:3


    I love Duke's face in the screenie with Snackbar's ass. I lol'd so hard. Imagine his face if it was you. :P

  13. All of you guys need to stop smoking/never start it.


    Only the cool kids are allowed to smoke; anyone else who does it is just a poser.


    Guess that's why you stopped smoking, right? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU



    I used to smoke in high school. Smoking a cigarette to reduce stress every once in a while is alright, but smoking them habitually makes you look and smell disgusting, and is dangerous.