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Posts posted by JakeEnglish

  1. I never had a problem with exams, but my cousin was notorious for being able to cheat at every test, no matter what.

    Protip: Print out a tiny piece of paper with vital answers, undo one of those click-pens, and slide it right inside.

    Or if you're lazy and sneaky enough, just write that ♥♥♥♥ on your wrist and wear a sweater, lol.

  2. You can already do stuff like this when tarping is allowed.. just use your imagination, bro. I've seen people do FrLr inside a game of Simon says, and ♥♥♥♥ gets really hectic.


    Also, the map games are there for a reason.

  3. iPhone's don't take up much Bandwidth*. Maybe put a password on your router so people aren't leeching.


    The young one is correct. If your password is unprotected, all the guys at the Dunkin' across the street are likely using your WIFI to look at the news, which could severely slow your internet down.

  4. Basically, you're 14. Even the adults they give power turn into dicks sometimes, it'd basically be that effect on crack.

    Not that I don't like you or think that you're immature or whatever, but you are still a kid.

  5. try to aim for around 200 posts before u apply for mod, that way ppl wont assume ur only posting for the mod

    I'll probably wait a few months either way. I'm sure there are lots of people in the clan that have no idea who I am yet. :P


    Is it completely neccessary to be active on TS3? I'm almost always on the forums and in game anyway, but my mic recently shattered.. and nobody actually types in teamspeak.

  6. dont apply right when u reach the minimum requirements for mod (100 posts, 2 months in clan), if u want to maximize ur chances, be active on forums, teamspeak and the servers, and contribute to the clan. if u cant think of anything to say on a thread, then dont say it, better to put out quality posts over quantity posts


    mhm, that's why i didn't apply right away. :3

    I see all the hate people get when they apply at 100 posts, lol

    Thanks for the tips, though.

  7. I have the requirements to apply for mod now, so I was thinking of filling an app out eventually, but I want your opinions first.

    Since you guys are the ones i'm gonna be helping, I figured i'd get a general idea. ^-^

  8. Decided to try tripping on Dramamine, read the dosage wrong, and took more when I was high like an idiot.. long story short, my roomies brought me to the hospital where I drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days. I got a dissociative disorder from it.

    I think I get the grand prize.

  9. The IP that ddos'd is a french IP. So, not entirely sure if it's no3. It could be a botnet for all we know.


    What's the point in DDoS'ing someone? Oh boy, the servers are temporarily down. It won't make the server any less popular, or theirs any more.
