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  1. +1 good warden, we need people like him playing CT knows MOTD, honest respectful
  2. +1 Active, friendly, knows MOTD Good intentions, knows and fixes mistakes, respectful. Would love to see him in the clan
  3. going to have to -1, extremely annoying always on his mic. Not sure if he's even read the motd kind of a sketchy guy
  4. +1 This guy deserves mod. He is active late night and just like doug said, there is no justice. Jailbreak at late hours is an extremely dark place. Orange Juice knows what he's doing and keeps the game fun and fair. -enchilada/#Based
  5. +1 good player, knows motd, havent seen him freekill or do anything against server rules -enchilada
  6. mkaps


    Thanks guys! Appreciate all the love :). Love the servers and the community. Thanks
  7. mkaps


    I appreciate all love :) real or not hahah Thanks guys.
  8. mkaps


    You have me mistaken. Whenever I am CT, which is rare. I do not delay at 0:00. Secondly, I have never nor will I ever ignore a Mods orders. I have ears and eyes, and I doubt I would. But if you are honestly sure that I did, I apologize. But I am honesty sure you have me confused for someone else, perhaps an imitator, and respect you for the time to report the issue to me. :)
  9. mkaps


    I have never door spammed as a CT, you might have me confused for someone else. As for Terrorist, door spamming is considered delaying, CT's had all the right in the world to kill me, and they did. I have read the MOTD many times and have seen nothing defining Door Spamming (As a T) a slayable offense, If warden says an order and I dont do it, I can't be slayed, but can be killed. If this actually is in the MOTD please point it out, and I will stop. I am here to rebel and troll, not to disrespect rules and mods.
  10. mkaps


    bumping to top! ;)
  11. mkaps


    Thanks for the +1 everyone. Appreciate it :)
  12. Member Name: mkaps In-Game Name: enchilada Steam ID: ttk12kaa Age: 18 Game Time: Played CS:S for over 7 years Game / Server: xG Jailbreak Helpful Skills: Respectful, Honest, Patient, Active