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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. aww thanks i love you too
  2. too lazy to look MEEEEH
  4. well what's your steam name D:
  5. and there you go! used by hutts. THEREFORE, they suck(:
  6. you don't even know his name Shitbag the level 1 Jedi Warrior
  7. why, there's a reason he's level 1 ;D
  8. 42 sith juggernaut 18 mercenary 11 sith assassin 6 imperial agent aaaaandd level 1 jedi
  9. OMG I GOT THE NAME... i mixed sith with xeno... sino gamers :D
  10. you guys totally know you want an epic pixelated hutt girlfriend!
  11. Can we make a SWTOR thingy? Plleeassseeee? I almost have a level 50(:
  12. if you look in the forum, he got banned once before by DuckiiJr, also, Steg says he has proof, just ask him for it, I guess
  13. so yesterday, she gave everybody these like 20 page packets and she expects them back tomorrow. except she is a meanie and she gave the packets to my period class TODAY. she still expects them tomorrow... I figured I'd just turn it in on Thursday since everybody else got 2 days. yeah. FIGHT THE POWER.
  14. -1, it seems to me this guy is very immature, and he has 1 ban for breaking the server rules. and his helpful skills? "im pro". dude... serious? I also found what steg said was very interesting, if this clan then why are you trying to get in? also, your steam ID is not your steam name. when you're in CS:S or any steam game for that matter, go into the console and type "status" (no quotation marks), and find your name. it will have your name and then it should say something like STEAM:0:0###### or something like that. hrm, you were banned once, rude to the clan and it's people, and you have no grammar. even if you're just shitting around with grammar like I am, then you will at LEAST spell things correctly. I honestly think you are younger then 16, but obviously, I don't know that for sure. please come back when you are a little kinder to us and the clan.
  15. Decision: -1 Why: Already has tag in his name... Maturity: Can't tell, don't play CS:S; let's just say I think he's lying about his age. I don't think any 20 year old man uses a butterfly smiley emoticon thingy... just sayin. Activity: well, assuming OHMAIGAWD saw him earlier, he's active.
  16. So then, humpty dumpty came and pissed all over the place, but his piss was not piss, it turned out to be acid piss!
  17. well, I guess I'll post a vid too(: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1TVrNFFQaE
  18. This hooker was not only a hooker, she was a mega hooker.
  19. I made this trade with a stupid kid, he wanted my Strange Loch n Load really bad (worth 2 keys). so he gave me a genuine sharp dresser (5 keys), a strange wrench (0.66 ref), a strange sniper rifle with customized name "SNIPER NO SNIPING!" (uncustomized 1 ref, unknown price now), and a strange deadringer (2 keys) tl;dr traded with stupid kid, made huge profit.
  20. loki, your signature hurts my eyes T_T