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Everything posted by PikaPika

  1. oh shit i forgot to write the time. Does this mean i won't get the credits?
  2. [ATTACH]3377.vB[/ATTACH] Doing this right b4 bed, sorry for bad lighting. Also because i did it with marker I screwed up the "amer" part XenoGamers. But it seems close enough. Edit: I forgot to flip the image -_- [ATTACH]3378.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. +1 It makes it easier to rebel
  4. Don't do what I did and do a armory tour day. It's a bad idea and get the admins very upset... But if you pretend to know what your doing, and keeping the t's active it's pretty easy. Unless there is segway....
  5. All you need to know to surf on avalanche To keep your speed Strafe to the left when your on the right side of the ramp. (Hold down a key) Strafe to the right when your on the left side of the ramp. (hold down the d key) To jump Just change the direction you are looking at to change where you going to jump to. Tip in avalanche: You might pick up too much speed so during your jump if you zig-zag right to left while on a jump this will lower your speed. (Only really for the end while your on the ski area of surf)
  6. This makes me wanna make a thread called rebelling 101.
  7. For some reason when ever I read this I hear doug's voice in my head reading this back to me....