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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Aeon

  1. ↨ Banned for not saying penal gland
  2. I was riding around town never giving anyone up when all of a sudden this fat alien comes up to me and is like "Hello husband." I stare at him while he starts to rub his crotch area, I'm not sure why he is doing that, Then he suddenly whips his dick out and slaps the nearest Mexican woman in the face, oddly enough we were in China so I am not sure how that happened. I was very embarrassed at this point because everyone was staring at my "Husband" and laughing. I start to explain that It is most definitely not my "Husband" and that I have no idea why he is an Alien and no one is screaming, but suddenly as I am telling everyone this spaghetti starts to flow out of my pockets and I try to pick it up but I can't grab it all and I start crying because everyone can see my spaghetti. I look to my left and see the Alien eating my spaghetti, I automatically punch him in the ear and everyone gasp because I punch my "Husband". I walk away in a crying spaghetti filled shame back to Texas from China and no one wants to help me because the fat Alien is following me eating my spaghetti. I finally got home.... I opened the door Got on the floor Everybody walk the dinosaur. [ATTACH]2218.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. Aeon


    It sucks having the internet cut off. I had mine off for the last part of summer and the first part of school. I wanted to paint a wall and watch the leaves dry.
  4. Posting for no reason. You can't even see my face. But it is still me. [ATTACH]2215.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. I was havin a grand o'l time. [ATTACH]2213.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. Erryday at random times.
  7. ^Banned for being an autistic Arnold Schwarzenegger
  8. Aeon

    Clicking challenge

    *Cough* I'm so good at this game. [ATTACH]2139.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. Found a better one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_L-miRT16s
  10. ^Banned because I have no idea what you are talking about and because you used an Afro emoticon
  11. ^Banned for not spelling out "Cause" and forgetting "are" in between "we" and "being".
  12. Aeon

    Favorite Songs?

    Basically anything Electronica; Techno, Trance, Club, House, Hardstlye, Etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfSkpAdDhZ8 Way to many to actually chose a favorite and I don't really have "favorite" songs.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSMeUPFjQHc I don't even.
  14. I. Fucking. Love you for the Doctor Who reference.
  15. All I see are goodbyes, It's kind of depressing so I am saying Hello. /beatles.mp3 Anywhales, I am Aeon, I'm brand freaking new as of today and stuff. So hello. I like long walks on the ocean.
  16. Why does it feel so good to be a gangster?
  17. My buddy Charrax asked me to join and I looked through the place and I also spent time talking to Silence and I love him now, I really like the place, one of the coolest groups I've seen.