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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. The JB server, and presumably others, are located somewhere in the windy city. I'm curious what peoples connection speeds are, just for fun.


    Go to speedtest.net. On the screen that looks like a battleship game click and drag to find Chicago. When you hover over the Chicago dot there will be three choice, choose the one that says "hosted by Comcast" (with my knowledge of Comcast's network I'm making an educated guess that Comcast feeds the trunk into most datacenters there). Once you click that, the test will start. Post your results using the "share results" button then "forum" tab:




    Not sure where the UK server is but I just tried a test to London assuming that's where the trunks split anyway...



  2. Posting this at the request of @@orangejuice


    Note - The attached demo is fairly long. Throughout most of the demo, though, you will catch the drift of his antics but the round and events in question begin at tick 38000 (you may need to just fast-forward, the seek tool didn't work for me possibly due to length).


    At the start of this round (at tick 38000) he simply says "rush to the wall you were stacked on before", in chat you'll see a lot of people asking which wall. Of course, it's obvious, we made an assumption, but still this was not clear orders. Once there he chose to have a "skittles day" without explaining it. Orangejuice unmuted himself to say he doesn't approve of the game at tick 41000 but Killa continued anyway. Orangejuice then put in chat at tick 43000 that he does not approve. Unfortunately I ended my recording shortly before all the freekilling began, but you can see in the banlogs that Orangejuice banned him for "mass freekill" so that itself, along with any other support this thread gets, should be good evidence of that.


    I'm not sure if it was a 24-hour ban or CT-ban, but either way during that time hopefully something comes of this.


    demo.zip contains only demo.dem and is here: https://rapidshare.com/files/417876194/demo.zip

  3. Just wanted to point this out, from the MOTD:


    "Any T visible outside the Warday area and aimed to shoot a CT can be shot."


    This means:


    While playing Avalanche and warday is in hockey and I am EN ROUTE (participating) to hockey (warday area) CT's CANNOT shoot T unless the T is aiming.


    This portion of the rule is overlooked 92.7% of the time.


    Thanks for listening. This has been a public service announcement by McNeo Media Enterprises.

  4. I've seen ".jpg" appended to a lot of quick messages in game. I get the humor and stuff, but I'm curious what the origins are. So, how'd that all start?

  5. Turn off trails because they are a dead giveaway when you teleport.

    Set your tracer visibility to team-only, otherwise CTs can see easily where you are shooting from.


    ---------- Post added at 08:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------


    1. Look

    2. Rebel

    3. ?????

    4. Profit

  6. There had been multiple complaints of Wonka freekilling from the second I joined the server. Since I just got there and didn't know what was going on I didn't pay it much attention. The behavior continued, however.


    In this zip file you will find w2.dem and w3.dem. https://rapidshare.com/files/1397600334/w.zip


    In w2.dem...

    > Tick 10000 - baiting

    > 12600 and 14000 - Hitting DR buttons when told not to

    > 17700 and 19000 - Baiting


    In w3.dem...

    At the VERY begginning he shot thru wall into vent cell, unforunately my recording started one second too late but you can clearly see blood on the back wall and that he is the only one around.

    > Tick 2000 - Shoots vent


    There was a Mod on during all this, as he was slayed for shooting that vent. For all the complaining that was going on non-stop about freeshooting and freekilling I'm surprised more wasn't done while in game.


    CT ban perhaps? I don't know what you guys usually do with these ban requests but hopefully they mean something and hopefully I got enough.

  7. I see a co-leader and 2 people who I *think* are mods who have +1'd this and there's been no admin input at all. Granted Toke'n is doing better these last few days in my opinion, it doesn't change the fact that he did it at the time and I've got the "proof" you always ask for...

  8. +1 +1 +1


    When I play in the mornings I like to jump on JB2 because it's fewer people and I like to practice wardenning there.


    I have had the same experiences with TheMacum, TheGordie, and OtherOne. I have asked them to read MOTD by either switching to CT or hiding as a T until 6:30. Obviously they just don't get it. I'd be more than happy to get demos if anyone wants, they're on most mornings around 9-11 AM central.

  9. Actually, I got it for only $20 (same price as .org) and it is actually faster than the .org redirect, which is a bit weird.


    Fair enough. That is odd that the redirect is quicker, I guess it depends on the DNS and such.


    Where is the server located? Is the game server and webserver in the same box or are they separate? I've always been curious where the game server is just so I can do a speedtest lol.

  10. Any number of domains can point to a single site so it doesn't really matter.


    .rs is a Russian-specific domain, like .us is US-specific, but that doesn't really matter. A lot of sites have fun with moving the period and making it work like Silence did here.


    I would note, however, that .rs domains average $60-$100 per year whereas a .org is only like $2 and .com is $4-$8. Seems like an unneeded expense for a gaming community. But that's just my opinion.

  11. Thanks serbiansnaga. Been chatting with Vicious on Steam and a lot of this is getting cleared up.


    Just to clarify again for everyone I'm not trying to be a hardass it's just not something I'm used to. It's all good. Peace and thanksgiving and a Happy ChristmaHannaQuanzica to all.

  12. Prior to playing here on xG I was an admin on a 54-slot server. That server had some various rules such as being 18+ to be a member and 21+ to be an admin. I also played on another server which was an "older" community. This is obviously a somewhat generally younger community (not that that's a bad thing).


    Before I continue, I'd like to clarify that I welcome any comments, but I'm really looking for input from mods, admins, leaders, etc...


    I'm just curious how you guys want this server run and how you want this community represented. There's been a few things that I see (especially late-night) that kind of make me say "Whhhaaaaaa...?" but when I discuss it with someone it ends up being "okay".


    These things include bating, "freeshooting" and "freeknifing", putting up stupid votes, etc...


    Is this stuff really okay? Is this how you want the community represented? If so I'm okay with that - it's your baby not mine - I'm just looking for clarification so I stop sweating the small stuff if you guys don't care.




    To clarify, I don't really care either way. I'm not trying to change things or be a jerk or anything like that. It's just new/different to me so I don't know what's okay and stuff and whatever.

  13. Decision: +1


    Why: Good player, level headed, wardens well, fun to play with


    Maturity: 4/5 (seriously though, who would be a 5 anyway? lol)


    Activity: 4.5/5 He's on almost as much as me, lol, and I'm unemployed haha

  14. sm replaces ! lol


    For **most** plugins used:

    "sm_" is used before a command in console

    "!" is used before a command in chat and it is publicly visible

    "/" is used before a commend in chat and is hidden from everyone but you and admin console

  15. This is why you ALWAYS make backups before deleting, copying, deleting, opening, playing, using, etc, etc, etc... Fortunately no critical data was lost just maps.


    To answer your question, no there's no easy way to download them all.


    In the future you only need to delete and replace the materials and models folder, not your whole cstrike folder. Though, if you made a backup of the original files you could have just copy and pasted them back in ;) See what I did there?

  16. Actually, if there are multiple admins in the server, then the HIGHEST RANKING admin has final say. if there are multiple of the same rank, then it is done by 2/3 vote BETWEEN the highest admins.



  17. Swizz is very active in JB, knows the rules, good warden. Only thing I could say, Swizz, is that DrPedo brings up a good point - you do tend to get into a lot of shouting matches over who's warden. Yes, there can be a dozen people calling it, but you tend to be involved in most arguments that follow. I'll +1, just back down the arguing a bit and try to resolve it in chat, offering to "play nice and take turns", or bring it to a mod or admin.

  18. While I agree with the preview idea I think you might be missing the point of the donation.


    You're not buying a hatpack for $15. You're donating money to a community that you enjoy to help pay the bills and keep the thing alive - the hatpack is a gift from the admins and a way to say thank you.