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Everything posted by speedlimit56kb

  1. +1 taking away perm from mods is like cutting off the wings to a bird. It's plain dumb to do such thing and i think we should get it back.
  2. +1 Really chill, is respectful, and he's always on, probably more then me D: but he's a good guy and i think he can make it far in this clan if he wants.
  3. how can i not +1 this? i mean you and me have always gotten along with each other,I've been there when all of your main events of getting punished went down,we even beat resident evil 5!! witch I'm down to beat again with you :D.I really hope you get unbanned,as you said,it's been about a good year or 7 months that you've been banned,so good luck my friend. +1 +1 +1
  4. -1 helped with creating razor electric. This +1 though! you need it yo! and also you should finish it,and don't give me that "i would if i could" you get ya white skinny bamboo stick looking ass in there and finish what was unfinished,with or without the materials! #Cave Man Style.
  5. Duckii has asked me to post his petition on forums since he can't. unban me from a community called xenogamers. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
  6. Either way silence never said "suicide in-game doesn't count" therefore he did do as silence asked :p but as DrPepper said it's all up to silence.
  7. -1 he thinks he looks better then me,attitude won't be tolerated. My nigga you know i can't give you that -1 pshh that's for bitches +1 all the way my dude!
  8. Regardless if he listens or not,he was supposed to be banned for a DAY not a perm....
  9. ima +1 regardless of what he did,it was only 2 T's meaning he should of been banned for a day not perm or however long they gave him,and he kinda does have a point when it comes to minecrack,he's done some pretty bad things like d dos and he's been permed/kicked out of the clan,look at him,he's unban.Anyways im not saying to unban him cause minecrack got unbanned,im just saying it would be messed up if he doesnt get unbanned just for killing 2 T's that was like half a year ago. +1 +1 +1
  10. So im going to be the first to -1 just to piss you off <3. Nahh +1 my dude,you'd be a good mod "again".GL broski
  11. jordo as others have said,it is you're job to take care of those who do not go by the motd.Me personally id let this be a warning and for you to start taking care of people who spam for warden or break any other rule.Be the leader my fellow friend! In gods name we pray,Amen!
  12. he been my dude since i first joined xG :D +1
  13. id like to say that i didn't run off because towlie had created a new clan,but because of certain reasons that doesn't involve towlie and his clan.
  14. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Speedlimit56kb Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36851650 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 117 Further Information: Ok so i wanna start off by saying that i am not rejoining because i miss xG,but because i miss my people,and i would like to be able to slay and demolish them rule breakers when ever i have to deal with one! Anyways,i'm well known on xG,and if you don't know me,then hit ya boi up ya feel me?? and if you guys are curious and want to make sure if i'm still with WD,obviously i'm not,if i was i wouldn't be making this thread. but yea there's that! hopefully i will get re-accepted into this clan once again,and hopefully in the future i can become a staff member once again as well to help around to make sure my people can game it up in peace! #Speedlimitout!
  15. Well me personally i didn't mean to start an argument.I've already said what was to be said,so you guys can close this thread when ever you want.
  16. last time i checked "Double clanning" is when you're in one clan and then you're in another clan while being in a clan already,so you're obviously in 2 clans at once.making a post about "being you're future Division Manager" does not mean he is double clanning.
  17. This isn't about unbanning him though it would be nice if he was!Anways i just wanted to let you guys know that he never double clanned.
  18. Silence how you gonna tell me if he double clanned or not? last time i checked your not a leader in WD.i obviously have the upper hand in this situation there for you're argument is invalid.And muffin even if i said "he was going to be a DM later on" still doesn't change the fact that he never was with us,there for he was never "double clanning".And also,just because i say he was going to eventually going to be one of our DM's does not mean he was already with us cause he never LEFT xG and he never JOINED WD.
  19. Ok this goes to all those who seem to be hard headed, and don't believe those who say duckii jr never double clanned.First off i will admit duckii did make a thread claiming he was going to be a DM later on for us,but then again that post has no meaning if he was never in our clan period.And you guys @@Chrono @autumn @@MuffinMonster since you guys seem to not believe duckii jr or the people who are telling you he never double clanned,im going to tell you myself as the Co-Leader of WD that duckii jr never double clanned.Now if you don't believe me then idk what to say to you guys but the fact that you guys are hard headed as fuck and just can't accept the fact that he never double clanned.Im hoping that once you guys read this,i hope you guys realize that ya'll were wrong the whole time,and should also say sorry to duckii jr for humiliating him in front of a lot of people cause you guys claimed he double clanned and were also soo sure that he was doing such thing when the whole time he was innocent.Just wanted to let you guys know what has been told to you guys many times since you guys didn't believe them.Now good day to you ladies. ~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33!!
  20. wait wait wait,so your saying i said "unban me fagets"?!?!?!
  21. Lmao,if you saw that then im pretty sure you saw the other part where i said "the speedlimits famous quote ~Screw You" Come at me bruhh.I also must admit,i love how you always find the most simplest and smallest things to use against others.Haters gonna hate.And Negative attitude? i bet more people in this community love me more then you. ~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33
  22. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Speedlimit Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:cat:6851650 Banned: Yes Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: Nigga please. Further Information: Got permed from all css servers due to a issue my current clan had with you guys. Wanna get unbanned so i can see how my sexy ladies are doing up in my jailbreak,ya feel me?!?!?!? ~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33
  23. im sorry, but i have something to say to silence,what you said is wrong,you had no right to say such thing, "BANNED FOREVER UNTIL HE KILLS HIMSELF THEN HE CAN GET UNBANNED" this is wrong to say. in my opinion i believe you should apologize to duckii jr though i dought you will,Nothing new from you.Even if he was "joking" or being "serious" you shouldn't of said such thing.people in real life have actually committed suicide due to idiotic messages said as you did.In my opinion a good leader wouldn't say dumb things like that,and would actually be more mature and be reasonable with their members.Im pretty sure you know what im trying to say about you from that sentence above.Even if duckii jr has said "he was gonna commit suicide" many times,you still can't just bash him like that,i mean you don't even know what his life is like or what he goes through.What if he gets bullied everyday of his life,in school,everywhere he is?Then he try's to play games and have some fun cause that is probably his only way out from being bullied or from committing suicide?He might be Bi-Polar as chrono said,but then again,you don't know what he goes through in his daily life. Now im not trying to disrespect you in anyway,im just being real from what i've seen/heard.Hope you can take this message seriously and think about the types of things you say towards others.Also goes for all those who think it is fine to say such things to others out there.
  24. I honestly do want become friendly with xG,but things just keep comming out of people,and that person who threatened to D dos,i will take care of,no dought.
  25. getting us all unbanned was not my idea,i was pulled aside into a private meeting when your higher ups were discussing certain things about us WD,there for it was never in my or in our intentions to get unbanned,just happen to be i was pulled aside and i told the true story of what really happened since we never got a chance to explain,so a vote was started.And yes a certain person might of plagiarized,but in the end of the day i changed/reworded everything.and you should be more specific when you say "you trolled" cause me myself i've never trolled xG, nor do i ever look forward to doing so.And we are slowly but surely getting everything populated,gotta remember,where a new clan,can't just become famous/gain a hundred members over night.So this is where i stop commenting and just let the vote continue,so good day to you sir.