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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. Forgot to mention, I found out what was wrong. It made me wtf. Apparently the directory is Somewhere else. In most cases it's


    C:// > Program Files x86 > Steam


    But now it's actually elsewhere


    C:// > Program Files x86 > [Folder name]


    In that directory, I found all of the parabellum maps as well as forest_rooftop maps. Deleted em all, and now it's running fine. Gg cause I didn't search outside of my Steam folder


    This man right here.

    A true idiot.

  2. I'm a poor kid. Can't afford good shit yet.

    @@HighSociety Yeah, that's why I'm looking at civics. I love my friends civic, the engine is used to 90mph. @@John American muscle is unreliable. I'll get that when I'm an old lawn grumping man.

  3. I recently sold my car looking for a new one. (Mitsubishi Galant)

    Needs to be 03+ and in the price range of 5000.


    I am currently looking at;

    - Honda Civic

    - Acura TL

    - Mazda 3

    - Mazda 6


    What are others I can search for that are similar?

  4. Alright so, this still doesn't work for me. Just to ensure i'm putting it in the right place, this is the directory:


    C://Drive > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > (steam name) > counter-strike source > cstrike > maps


    This is the Same download provided by Gkoo. I have ensured that there is no other file of the sort in relation to this by searching my Entire Steam folder for "parabellum". I have also searched for the Old file name of it by searching "outside". The only results that it gave were "zm_lila_panic_woc_outside2" and "zm_lila_panic_woc_outside2.cache".


    The best option I have for you at the moment is to uninstall and re-install source. As you have a bsp or vtf file similar to the most updated map. Doing this will insure you have no other "backup" files to interfere with the download.

  5. He is not saying he slayed Audible for typing or getting ready to type !lr.


    He is saying he slayed him for camping. (For 30 seconds)


    However. A Prisoner can camp during a freeday or warday after it has expanded. The only time a prisoner cannot camp is during Last CT.

    You were probably mistaken with the rules. As a random kid made up the rule as a Prisoner cannot camp during freeday.


    So sorry man, Mullin had the right to slay you. It was a freeslay.

  6. The new xG map Parabellum is only played once every five hours.


    Many people have problems downloading the map. And we are unable to fix and test the problem because the map is rarely on.


    My request is to have the map as the DEFAULT map. Instead of Lunar. Because this IS the XenoGamers map.


    Have the map ALWAYS on the nominations list. It could be number 6. Because it is a new map, and need a lot of testing.

    At least for the first month.




    @autumn is the only one with access to do this. If everyone complains, maybe something will be done. ha.

  7. Map is coming out friday. A post should announce it. Version 1.


    I need to see active participation in Map Testing to be added to the Map Making Team. You are added to the Map Testing Team, but not the Map Making Team. Forest, Dark, and McNeo greatly helped in the process of creating this map.