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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. We understand Parabellum needs a couple edits. Vent, more rebelling areas, and others. However, me and eric are waiting a couple weeks to find most of the bugs. It's annoying to update the map and find more bugs right after we upload it. I'll discuss it with eric and maybe start a version 2.

  2. CS:S has different props and some different entities. You would have to replace each one. That would be cool to do. But even me and eric didn't port ours to CS:GO. I just meant it as I used to joke about me complaining that I don't have CS:GO and people should buy it for me. Even though it's only like $10.

  3. Can we bold the terminology words. Easier to read. Only the words.


    And for Parabellum. There are many things that need to be addressed and fixed. However, me and eric took a break from editing it, until we find most of the problems. It's annoying to fix one thing and find like 60 others later.

    (Not the thread for it, but just wanted to put it out there.)

  4. Everyone says we would do good things. (Charity, research funds, etc.)

    But look how bad humans are. If we ever get to that point we would not spend it on our morals today. Our ethics wouldn't matter. We would heave for money and money would overcome us. So we wouldn't spend it. Because we would turn greedy. You would spend $1000 to charity when your have millions, and think of yourself as a great guy.

  5. Sounds great.

    Last CT LAST CT ONLY GOES INTO EFFECT WHEN FOUR CTS ARE ALIVE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUND. When only one CT is alive they become the last CT. Last CT MUST kill all Ts, except for the last T. The last CT or Ts are not allowed to camp. Last CT must let the last T have LR unless the last T rebels (They will be slain next round, see LR) or is AFK. Last CT can open vents. If the T’s are locked in Cells, ISO, or any other location the last CT MUST let the T's out. Breaking any of these rules will result in a slay/teamban.

    Just wondering. So now there is no such thing as favoritism. Last CT doesn't have to kill on site. I like this. Keep this.

  6. It probably runs on a cron job, I'll look into increasing the checking period. Do you want pictures to be stretched, since it will look awful :(

    Not stretched. Try centered.


    Also, does this forum have comments available?

  7. I will be posting new versions of Admin/Mod CT Skins and DIV/DM CT skins, i changed vest to something none camo.




    New and improved. This is last version



    Repost this image. I want to see it.

  8. No. It has 10 shots. With a shot each clip. No scope available to aim down sights either. You have a way better chance at shooting the guy then tasering him. So if this were a buff then the taser would mark useless.
