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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by House

  1. You were friendly and enjoying yourself on the surf server, while still following rules and respecting everyone. Sounds like a good member to me. +1
  2. What the hell did I just read? I think my eyes threw up
  3. House

    So im being ddosed

    Good luck to you, hopefully your ISP should be able to help you
  4. He knows the rules, is mature, and I've never seen him disrespect anyone. The kind of guy you want on a gmod server. Decision = +1
  5. I've got a really nice laptop, but it doesn't come close to this...
  6. +1 Great guy, knows the rules, very active.
  7. House

    Black Mesa in 1 day

    Released earlier today, but all the official servers are basically overloaded. It got greenlit by steam, so I might just wait till then, would be way easier and faster. If you do decide to torrent it, unless you have awesome speeds, I'd throttle your bandwith. I have a lot of people telling me they keep going over.
  8. Not sure if anyone really cares, but the HL2 mod Black Mesa, which is essentially a remake of Half Life using the source engine, is being released tomorrow. The mod will be released on steam but it is uncertain if the release and the steam release will be the same. Was wondering if anyone has been following this for the past 6 years, and if anyone will be getting it. The game is only finished to the very end of lambda core, when you teleport the game ends. Apparently, the xen levels will be a DLC in the coming months. For all the Half Life fans, like myself, this game will be amazing.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgRlpYclKp4&list=FLlDYsBCk4oqeTM9TflxmKcA&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q9rewnLFYw&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLlDYsBCk4oqeTM9TflxmKcA
  11. I am usually wrecked with work and projects during the week. But I still usually fit an hour or two of Gmod into the mix, its not that hard.
  12. House

    Sham's App

    No response for 3 days, and on second page, so I'm bumpin' it. Sorry for any inactivity, school and life are both a bitch.
  13. NO SHAGGY NO!! This is almost as bad as when my sister got a worm virus and it infected our whole network xD
  14. House

    Sham's App

    Thanks for the feedback. I will continue being active and hopefully will get the vouch of more members:)
  15. You know it. It needed to be done...
  16. I have a thing for the matrix, and using neo in a lot of signatures. I can make you one if you'd like!
  17. Don't worry, we still love you.
  18. House

    Sham's App

    No response in 24 hours, bump. Sorry if nobody knows me, I'm trying to meet as many people as I can.
  19. I've only seen you once, but I've played with charrax multiple times. Also, thanks for the help!
  20. Yes dark, I think I remember seeing ya. I play more gmod now, as CSS is getting boring, but I do enjoy jailbreak sometimes.