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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. This thread consists of links to youtubes videos made by xG:M Shadow.

    Enjoy the videos and here are the links! (Copy and paste the links if not clickable)


    The youtube CHANNEL - ShadowKing2013 Gaming!!




    Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D-kxfmkn5M (CS:GO: xG JailBreak Tribute)


    Current Videos:


    Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6f6boKkm1Q (Rebelling, Got Lots Of Kills + Ownage LCT Kill)


    Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4nQ8muJtiM (Rebelling, Awesome LCT Kill)


    Video 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ_o3p_IMjU (CT, Fucking Around W. Bleed)


    Video 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXMNvSQbnpk (CT, Funny Sight To See)

  2. This is not official, but I will be doing my best to get it on the rules! After reading about it please make a vote deciding if you want the day or not using +1 or -1.


    To start off, I made this day because we need some new days to play since people can get bored of the same first reaction, last reaction, simon says, climb, etc. played after every other day over and over. The server has lots of games, but a general amount are overused way too much. The day is played out like this:


    Janitor Day: During this day, all Ts must be crouching, LEFT click at all times knifing either a CT, the ground, a wall, or the ceiling to "clean it" or will be rebels. Ts are not allowed to carry secondaries and primaries, other than the AK47 and the AWP, which is only able to be carried on their back as "cleaning tools" or they will be rebelling. Ts can freeze and stand to type. CTs play this day like the same as a panda freeday besides Ts holding AK47's and AWP's on their back..


    The reason of being able to carry certain guns is to add some cool character to the day, which none of our days really have. The day is unique, and I personally think we need that to make the server more fun!


    Hopefully you will +1 this day to add to the rules for some extra fun, and good day to you! Thank you.

  3. Hopefully if a admin or whoever in higher power can see this, they will look at logs and see when I told you... cuz I know for a fact I did.. you MUST not of saw it.. I am sorry for that, but I did state it. Sorry for you not seeing it clearly.. cuz I know I said it. And why would I want to be your friend when you have tried to get me demoted twice before that?

  4. Jabs, the funny thing is, I gave you reasons for all of it, and I shall state them again.. also.. I kicked you for spam, and gagged you again for spam. So... jabs begs me ALL the time non-stop to be his friend, check the logs.. it will be covered in it when him and I are on.. he begs me and I say no because when I gave him a chance he freaks out on me, then tries to be friends again.. he freekills a lot and needs to be banne d honestly.. tons of people on the server even tell me not to worry about him.. cuz it's just "Jabs" and that he is a troll.. I am not rude to people unless they are rude to me.. like how jabs is always.

  5. Firstly, most of the "dissapointment to society bullshit" is lies, look it up in the logs.. I did not say that. I only called people like startnow a idiot once but we are friends.. we talk to eachother a lot and mess around on the server and have fun, and sham .. don't even get me started.. I wouldn't disrespect him.. this thread is retarded.. but for this temptedguy.. he was bitching at me about rules, so I would tell him he is wrong and to read the fuckin' MOTD and rules.. I may of come across rude to him.. though he was being rude back. I didn't call him a bunch of names and shit, and he I definitely was joking when calling my friends on the server names teasing them. -.- I find it almost funny yet still annoying he actually made a thread about me fooling around with friends, I try to have fun.. I like to tease my friends, for example.. with dontbleedpls, and akio, and nova.. we fuck around all the time.. It's a friendly thing. Good day.

  6. In a way it is.. but the fact the nobody does climb or b hop EVER.. ever since I made up "shadow day" it has been played a TON more.. it enforces wardens to stop repeated the same crap every day and start doing some of the best minigames. It is a way to assure fun in a round instead of dull boring FRLR all day, then simon says. lol

  7. Yeah I have, sorry I will cut that down, but is it okay to say things like "Brb - Shadow" on it, so people know I am afk.. so that I don't get bitched at for not getting a freekiller while being gone.. cuz if you say brb in normal chat it not seen at all

  8. Hello everyone, this is for fun type of thread since I have been getting many requests from people to ask the xG community about it.. Well I have made up this day called a "Shadow Day" On the CS:GO Jailbreak server.. what it is is just ... a climb and/or Bunnyhop mini game day.. where sometime in the day you MUST include them.. if you declare shadow day.. I have had many people beg of me to ask everyone this since it is clearly a extremely loved pair of games, the reason why it is called a "Shadow Day" people tell me is because I am extremely good at every climb on every map we have, and can to them all doing 360's and in one try, I also do that for the B-hops too, So people have asked me to ask you guys of this favor, I think it would be awesome if we actually added in a small part of the rules just about a "Shadow Day" I think it would please a lot of people and myself >:D, Hope you guys enjoy Shadow Day!


    +1 this if you think we should add in Shadow Day and think it is a good/cool idea!


    Exactly what goes on in "Shadow Day"


    In Shadow Day, if the certain day is declared by the warden, then Climb or Bunnyhop MUST be played during that day.. unless things like everyone rebels or something. Basically it helps get the lack of repetitive FRLR games and simon says out of the way to get wardens to play fun games like climb more often. It is small and basic, hope it is fine!

  9. Hello everyone. Before I became mod I had a problem with a small group of friends on the CS:GO Jailbreak server. I killed one of them which were in vents from a far distance from vents, they thought that was vent camping.. which I just glanced over and they were right there jumping around in the tip of the vent. Now that I am mod the harass me like there is no tomorrow.. If we are just simply playing something like climb on a map.. and they are dead.. they will start saying shit like "Guys watch out Shadow might be in vents" .. That is a regular thing they say about every 4 minutes.. and every once and awhile they take it to extremes and start raging insults and such. I added one as a friend and tried to talk to them about it to stop, though they clearly don't care and just want to troll. I then gagged one that was going into extremes, and they said it was mod abuse, then the guy I gagged once ungagged started raging so hard I kicked him. Then all 3 of them started raging and calling mod abuse.. I find this is unbarable and I can't stand playing with them saying shit about me 24/7, Their names are, Charlie Pepe The Tardsmack and sm3gma ...... I wish they were banned.. though I guess this is not enough for a ban. This may seem a bit childish.. though I do try to ignore them.. It's just hard.

  10. Nano, I have never seen you on the server b4 except once when I was T. I never use my mic because I have been sick for almost a month now and can barely speak at all.. You must be mistaken me for a different Shadow since I have not been slain by you or talked to you ever.

  11. Hello everyone! Most of you know me well from the Jailbreak server I play very much. I have been playing very much, atleast 3 hours a day. I play a ton and help people learn the rules when I can, I try to make sure people read rules and that they know what is wrong and right. I have been playing long enough to know almost all rules other then the fact that I have read over them quite a bit. I have a lot of mod/admin experience from similar games or just from being staff on other games. I used to be a mod on a JB server on CSS until my old computer broke awhile back. I am a mod on another CS:GO server (Not JB Though), it is a regular de_dust2 server I play on whenever JB is not available etc. I am a owner on a Minecraft server I made with my brother and some other friends. All around I hope this mod app shows how much I am dedicated to helping the server, and how much I love the xG staff and community, I hope to join you guys in taking charge and to make JB funner! Thank you all!