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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. Hello everyone! On the Jailbreak server on CS:GO there has been multiple problems that have been occuring. I would like to inform everyone that we have a large lack of mods during many times of the day. At certain points there are about 3 mods on at once, and after they leave there is usually no more on for like 6 hours. I play extremely often and see many things I wish I could deal with as a mod, since I am always on and no mods are on to actually catch hackers/people that break rules. An example of this is about half a hour ago, I had saw the same person "amp741" for about 4 days in a row come on while no mods/admins were on and break multiple rules. He would spam gun spawns on the desert map and make the game crash and lag massively from spawning about 200 ak's or m4's. He also freekilled consistanly and would camp armory all the time when not wiping out all the cells for no reason. He needs to get banned very badly, I had informed about 3 admins/mods about it and they couldn't do anything because they had not witnessed the event. It makes me pretty mad that I am not mod in that situation since I have seen it happen a lot and can't do anything except TRY to get him in trouble. I am hoping to apply for mod soon since I know the rules well and have a ton of experience from being mod on CSS servers, even a Hellsgamer jailbreak server, which is extremely similar. I have not been in the clan long and that is why I am not making a mod application yet, though I hope you guys put this thread into consideration and understand the needs this server needs. I hope this is helps, Thanks!

  2. I am not sure if people are just -1 'ing this because they are jealous and want mod.. but Zippo 50% of the time I play is the best warden on the server at the time. He knows his rules well, and I find he plays good games.. and definitely has a good maturity level. He would make a good mod. +1

  3. I am applying to be a xG member because the community and clan is amazing. I think the people in xG are very fun and nice when I play with them on the Jailbreak server on CS:GO. I have played 61 hours of CS:GO and got it about a week and a bit after it came out. I play it atleast... 3 hours a day and almost all of that is on the Jailbreak server. I have already made quite a bit of xG member friends, such as Chimera, Zippo, and Dontbleedpls. I am very nervous and excited to see my results because I want to join very much! My goal to becoming a xG member is to perhaps become staff, a mod or admin in the future and help! For now if I get into xG as a regular member I would love to play and help people on the Jailbreak server I play on, and become a part of the awesome staff! Thankyou everyone and I hope I get voted in, and thankyou!