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Posts posted by FacepalmMute

  1. Falling in Reverse? SWS? Icarus the Owl? :eek:

    I'm not very fond of Falling in Reverse. I like Sleeping With Sirens, just not enough to put them on this list. I've never actually heard of Icarus the Owl until just now when I looked them up. Pretty good stuff.

  2. Division:

    Garrys Mod

    In-Game Name:

    Mantis Man

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Constant RDM




    I don't know how long he's been coming here, but I got on yesterday and he kept RDMing with dumb reasons. He came back today and he was still doing it. DMTWired (I think it was him at least) got on yesterday and slayed him, but he left right after. The screenshot above is from today.


  3. 5aa4bd2876695_album20list202.thumb.png.06d389d8b70477c67f8aff6e429296ca.png



    So sometime after I had stopped coming to the GMod server because of school, I began listening to music nonstop. I have listened to a huge amount of albums in whole, and every now and then, I like to make a list of the ones I really enjoyed. Here is the current iteration of my music list, with most of my current choices from 2013 releases. You'll see I have a preference for harsh/noisy music, mainly metal and hardcore.

  4. If anyone here plays on the TTT server, you may have seen my name a bit recently. I've also gone by the name Get Got about a few weeks ago as well. I really like playing on your servers, so I decided to join the forums! Hello!