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Everything posted by IUDesigns

  1. Do some stage like prisoners got talent but instead a stage with 3 buttons. Exactly like xfactor where each button buzzes out and if 2 out of 3 buzz out the stage drops the prisoner into a pit of death. (Put caution tape around the rectangle where it drops)
  2. Theres nothing wrong with promoting drug cartel. Cmon guys, it'll get the community together.
  3. And we NEED more of those! So should be a requirment lel
  4. Definetly approve of this, people make mistakes, act dumb (Although I have never seen you disrespect) and want to change themselves for the better. I can also add you have the balls to post something like this, admitting your problem. +1
  5. Lame? Scoutzknivez is the ish! JB is decreasing in popularity mate, and fast. You need other servers on the community to keep the rating up. xG for now, is only known for it's JB server and that alone isn't even in top 10 probably. We gotta step our game up with Every server, but its difficult to do that instantly.
  6. Valid point, but many people that have been in this clan, never apply because they didn't donate. However, yes, more moderators isn't as much of a bad thing (unless it gets too overboard). To make these mods useful we need to POPULATE Servers! (Not only jb!) Especially AWP/Scoutz! (And gungame n shit)
  7. When I'm warden I just usually say "All T's run and hide!" While the mass free killer starts killing. Either way its not a big deal, mainly because we have bigger problems to focus on. Mass freekillers come and go, not only targeting xG but every other Jailbreak server. It happens, its a game, your bound to get problems like this.
  8. #Worsthidingspotofdecades :love::love:
  9. Wow you guys are clueless your missing a HUGE person! Dont you remember Puppyluv, honestly best warden goes to her, she shows dedication and love for this game.
  10. IUDesigns

    Shout box....

    FYI 25 GBP = 37.16 US Dollar Thats a large amount, yet we are saving on the new forums? Either way +1
  11. Aight thanks a lot man. @autumn click the link in big text XG NEW SKINS FOLDER
  12. Yea and I need to know a site where I can upload folders so I can send the skins for the server.
  13. They're annoying as fuck, alerts should be for important things (When you are quoted, private messages, mentions)
  14. Autumn you better fucking remove the "10 points for posting" alert. That shit pisses me off.
  15. Was hoping this was a "leaving xg" thread but was greatly disappointed. Happy bday!
  16. Have no clue how models broke on server so idk if it's possible to add these current models, atleast I think.
  17. What version did we have last? Vb4 right?
  18. I feel vb5 is 10x better only because it has tons of plugins, xenforo is limited. May cost more money, but it'd be worth it in end. Anyways heres another credit system, might be more useful. Banking
  19. Have no clue how to edit post so going to double post User group Badges
  20. @autumn you might have not seen this, and if you have either way it's just to help. Anyone can help with this, go on Resources | XenForo Community and find resources that might be useful to us and the forums. Two I've found -Steam authentication -Credit system (probably nothing like the one previous that could link credits within forums and game.
  21. Lags server aswell, so im not sure if theres a fix for that. +1
  22. Right but it runs soo much more smoother. However I agree, last forums it was easier to work with, Maybe theres other layouts we can switch to