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Everything posted by IUDesigns

  1. @autumn tell me if you want to add this to server and ill give .vtf file New and improved, might even add new staff skins to replace the Admin one because Mods aren't admins lel. PS: I'll try adding tattoos on the head, so it looks more nice. Got any tips to make it better, I thought it didn't turn out bad. - - - Updated - - - Got any tips to make it better, I thought it didn't turn out bad.
  2. No one is on it now........... People barely go on it anymore, its like dead.
  3. WUTTTTTTTTTTTT, BUT I want to keep pwning you on surf, or atleast jailbreak
  4. Instead of gaining great members, we're losing great staff. Good luck matey!
  5. Yea I dont know either, I really liked that server, was different from all the other build servers. But as a stable server, without a popular community, you can't populate the build servers easily.
  6. Instead of banning immediately, I suggest staff tell the person making the mistake in Private AND admin chat what they're doing wrong. And no I do not mean "Yo IU, READ MOTD (WEBSITE LINK)" I Mean "IU you cannot get in knifing distance of prisoners, please stay couple feet away, this is your only warning" Thats a bit too long, but a shortened version. That might get the ct to notice what he's doing wrong.
  7. IUDesigns


    Scoutzknivez +1 Datz all i need
  8. IUDesigns


    Are we following this new rank thing (class 1, 2, 3) or just making skins 0.o Cuz if we follow the rank idea, all skins gotta be somewhat different from the ones currenty.
  9. This is just ridiculous, well best of luck to ya mate, great playing with ya. Basically the whole xG staff is gone (we got replacements but still). Isn't gonna be good for xG
  10. IUDesigns


    There should be preset models we can use... But maybe we have to formout the extra stuff.
  11. IUDesigns


    Lol, did not say birthing process.
  12. Honestly, I dont know what happend, I'm not interested in finding out either. As to why people go after IP's instead of gaming and communicating, I am not sure. I don't leave anyone at fault, because I have other things to care over.
  13. If this is true, This community is corrupt. I haven't ever joined a community with this many problems ever. Let me remind you all, ITS A GAME. Games should not interfere with real life. However, I will stand by the side of this community and try to help and enlarge it as much as I can, unless threats or certain cases of this are brought up again.
  14. IUDesigns


    Exactly, maybe hire coders? Or I can try to create some of the skins, through photoshop. (Would need a guide) Dunno how the skin creating process works so...
  15. IUDesigns


    @autumn Of course you're going to disagree with this, but we need some more exciting things added to server. One of them being skins. I was thinking each one for each class of jb. A new system, but once again making xG prominent and being unlike others. Might take a lot of work. Prisoners - Class 1 Prisoner Skin = A more younger looking human (No beard, possibly teenagerish) - Class 2 Prisoner Skin = A Little older human (Late 20's-30's, a gotee or small beard) - Class 3 Prisoner Skin = Full on Bearded human (more like a wizard with a long white beard, and white hair), wrinkles in his skin (Looks more like the admin skin but with a white beard and hair) Guards - Class 1 Guard Skin = Same thing, same idea. Security Gaurd uniform ( Tanish color) - Class 2 Guard Skin = A little taller guide, full beard, Light Bluish. - Class 3 Guard Skin = Either a Drill Sergeant, Or the Current Swat Uniform NOTE: THESE CLASSES COULD EITHER BE BOUGHT THROUGH HUB SYSTEM, OR MAYBE WE CAN FIND A WAY TO INCOORPORATE THEM WITH HOW ACTIVE YOU ARE ON THE SERVER. (Start with class 1, to get to class 2 you must have played 250 Hours on the server, class 3 500 hours) Just ideas. Mod Prisoner - Mod written on the back of their Uniform, Or a band on their arm. Maybe a black/white striped jumpsuit, or Class 3 with the Written letters. Admin Prisoner - Could keep the same, rambo looking one, and add maybe Admin on the back. -Donator - Put a Cash Sign on the back of their jump suit ($) or Add the letters "VIP" to there clothes. Maybe have them have a Black/White Jumpsuit. (To actually get this skin, you would have to have donated $50+) General Staff? Or maybe just in general a Staff Skin Which all mods/Admins/Divs can wear. Staff written on the back of their jumpsuits. And For Guards, maybe a Drill Sergeant. Idk So bottom line is, I'm shooting ideas. Yes Silence will probably not approve this idea in any sort, same with staff/members. I'm just giving ideas, because thats how communities improve. If this major update was actually to go through, I believe it would give us tons of new members. @@Duckii @@HighSociety
  16. Microsoft has already hinted the release of the xbox 720, as far as the sources I've searched which could be false. But apparently they're E3 Show of the xbox will be in june.
  17. Although many may not have respect for you, I just gained a tiny little respect (very small, but enough). Good luck mate, hope everything turns out right and your family gets the attentive care they need.
  18. Dam all these people leaving.... Take care mate.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hjx2Sd52U4! @@Gkoo
  20. Why would someone donate to pick a song lel. They barely donate for credits, let alone for a song....
  21. Most of you probably havent heard, but sony has created the PS4! Not sure when it will be released, but I saw livestream of them showing new games on the system, and it looks top notch. Still seems the same, as far as graphics. Maybe a bit smoother, but technology has definetly improved. What will it look like?
  22. +1, btw the intro doesnt even work for me.
  23. Thats actually not a bad idea. What would be epic is if xG made a merch clan of somesort, and started making tons of mills. However some members might need a helping hand of 100m to start. lel.
  24. +1 I've also played on a server with this plugin kinda thing. It's a very nice addon to lr, since we only have like 5 lr's to choose from -.- As for dodgeball, it should be changed to a red ball. @autumn
  25. Dat white text always gets me