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Status Updates posted by Cloud

  1. i take it you're a fan of elfen lied
    1. Tsuchikure


      Never seen it ... Yet.
    2. Cloud


      it's really great, samurai champloo is the best though
    3. Tsuchikure


      Lel.. might watch it..
  2. I was spammed with negative ratings by enforcer. so i know how you feel
  3. If you want mod for left 4 dead, talk to me or Stickz
  4. lol banned already.. good one :-)
  5. m-town likes to kill the vibe as you can see.
  6. m-town pays for his friends
  7. My god purple is penguins maid... that bastard has a kid as his slave!
  8. My name is cloud, and i am badass
  9. No other group as badass as we are, sir shepard. Reconsider your leave here at xG
  10. Occupation:Rape - our division leader skitz everyone
  11. peeping tom
  12. plz purple, do us a favor and leave xG
    1. Matsi


      LOL I think he did, he took his tags off
  13. purple your ban requests mean nothing.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cloud


      learn to spell you dyslexic fuck! it's too* not "to" you faggot
    3. MagicalPurple


      Lol its the fucking internet why does it matter?
    4. mtown81


      why does it matter if he wrote F*ucking
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  15. So how about them promos and demos? eh eh
  16. so you're a community leader now?
  17. Thats *sir cloud to you
  18. the cs:go division is no longer what it use to be. bring back grim, shen, baron and everyone else D:
    1. mtown81


      fuck off lahey
    2. Cloud


      a lot of people, man i'm gonna miss it.
    3. mtown81


      no, i actually mean fuck off lahey, he wont let me into the trailer park
  19. They call me.. the silent cowboy
  20. this is confusing
  21. To anyone that didnt believe me, theres a picture of me & india company.
  22. Tunnel snakes are a bunch of fags!
  23. Um chrono my toilet is dirty?? what kind of shit plumber r u?