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Friend of xG
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Status Updates posted by Cloud

  1. Fuzz is the next tupac
  2. Thats *sir cloud to you
  3. m-town pays for his friends
  4. gg i will donate $5 every month
  5. "astoopid bleck spick" - famous words from our dearest uncle LQuidador
  6. Tunnel snakes are a bunch of fags!
  7. answer my messages bleed
  8. answer me D:
  9. peeping tom
  10. If you want mod for left 4 dead, talk to me or Stickz
  11. AHEM i dont get shit for what i do
  12. hey chrono can you pull off a nova for me and pull me up to DM?
  13. You had one job adam, ONE JOB
  14. how to change name? D:
  15. https://xenogamers.org/threads/22434/ <--- CONTEST FOR HUMBLE BUNDLE PACK FOR FREE
  16. coke is de bes
  17. admins are the highrollers of xG. gg
  18. My god purple is penguins maid... that bastard has a kid as his slave!
  19. <(^_^)> is my face when i get dat BJ
  20. i kill sleep in my people
  21. #DestroyMyLittlePony Campaign
  22. #Globalwarming202