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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. Jokes? Yesterday and today.. and the whole time I've been on xG you've HATED me, so why on earth would you all of a sudden be joking?

    im talking about the ratings :-) but yes indeed i have a strong dislike for you

  2. I will try not to start an argument first and not disrespect unless they start first.

    but you're constantly starting arguments, for no reason... calling us shit admins and that we dont know what we're doing for what? no reason.

    Even though purple is indeed quite the annoyance, personally I think he deserves ONE last chance, small chance, but a chance. Hopefully this one last head butt will clear his head of his trolling and douchebaggery, and we can judge ourselves as a community on the servers to see if he continues, and if he does. We make another one of these threads in the future and vote for a ban or w.e punishment necessary? Anyone with me?

    he's had plenty of chances, if he's been "planning" to leave he shouldnt be getting chances, he's an obvious troll, and it's so obvious he isnt stopping.

  3. I will try not to start an argument first and not disrespect unless they start first.

    but you're constantly starting arguments, for no reason... calling us shit admins and that we dont know what we're doing for what? no reason.

  4. +1 I always wondered why they treated you like crap. I understand why now. That's a pretty terrible way to be to people just because you can be. I could understand being an ass to someone who has wronged you but.. I don't see any of that here.

    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.

    zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one

    like 5 admins and 1 DL +1'd... you're done kid

    This is why i troll and disrespect other m

    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.

    zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one makes fun of him? WONDER WHY

    I don't have to wonder why. I know why. Because he doesnt use his mic so he doesnt have to try to defend himself.

    actually, he uses his mic a lot now.

  5. +1 I always wondered why they treated you like crap. I understand why now. That's a pretty terrible way to be to people just because you can be. I could understand being an ass to someone who has wronged you but.. I don't see any of that here.

    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.

    zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one

    like 5 admins and 1 DL +1'd... you're done kid


    You've already given your opinion, sure he's most likely "Done" but atleast keep it to yourself, it's just rude to say that.



    shut up double clanner

  6. +1 I always wondered why they treated you like crap. I understand why now. That's a pretty terrible way to be to people just because you can be. I could understand being an ass to someone who has wronged you but.. I don't see any of that here.

    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.

    zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one makes fun of him? WONDER WHY

  7. +1 trolling 100% of the time, constantly a problem for everyone. was a problem on csgo, pissing everyone off, now he migrated to gmod.


    Get out of here kid

    I only migrated to gmod because csgo is always dead.

    also you even told me, you were going to leave but it annoyed me so you'd stay.

  8. Give a reason fag

    you're purple i dont need to give a reason without already knowing that your posts are a waste of space and arbitrary. Good day son

    Then why would you read it if its a waste of time if you already know its a waste of time? Dumbass.


    first you need evidence which is not present in this thread.. so i just think youre a lying sack of shit now.

  9. Want your black member star back? well, it's fairly simple. all you have to do is click on your name, hit TS integration, then go to your TS3 Application and do this: Setting > Identities. you should see your unique ID, now on the website just paste your Unique ID into the box and you should get your star back.