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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. oh you dont have to say out of cell rebel if giving orders, lets say you dont say out of cell rebel, then you give an order, like 'take step out afk freeze' although he didnt say out of cell rebel, they must be following his orders or they will be considered a rebel.



    as said before, css admins/mods should be refrained from using their powers in csgo as we are now well staffed and have people watching the server when ever needed. @@Chrono i know you're a css admin, but we'd ALL appreciate it if you'd make it so that css cant use powers in csgo, it'll avoid a lot of unwanted conflicts

  2. if guncheck freeze implies taking a step out, why do we say "take a step out and guncheck freeze"?


    the only reason people do that is because a few admins told them its an 'in-cell order' but really it implies 'take a step out, face away from cells, afk freeze.' so if you say take a step out and guncheck freeze, you should take two steps!

  3. +1, chrono you're a cool guy. but not ready to be our division leader, dont take this personally as we need a division leader that is on top of things and helping the community out (Not by removing maps we most love). instead of working on arbitrary things such as (LCT music) work on getting the server plugins fixed. i know it may not be an easy task, but god dammit if other servers can do it within a matter of days, so can we. also you constantly change rules to your liking, or you change something because it affected you in some manor, this is unacceptable. like i said before, you have to work with the community and talk to admins about decisions you're making BEFORE you take action. you've already been given a warning, i think this is crossing the line.

  4. you cant remove a map simply cause you dont like it. thats how a community gets destroyed. The community loves this map, and if you want to keep the server strong, then listen to peoples opinions. it could be beneficial for all of us. please consider putting it back on.

  5. if we arent able to say anything about how the servers are ran, how the hell do we get anywhere or make it any better? if someone has a problem with how its ran, let them say something. you shouldnt ban them for making a suggestion on how to improve the server or make a comment about something bad thats been happening (csgo plugins). this is an arbitrary rule.

  6. Instead of being so salty at Gawd for making a valid point, you could have just wrote this in the first post. The CSGO division seems to be ran by a bunch of 8 yr olds from what I can tell so far who rage at the slightest opposition to any of their ideas. Grow up.




    you shouldnt bag on csgo when cs:s has just as many problems.

  7. You are really starting to irritate me. I'm not trying to start anything, but stop being so incredibly biased. Because you dislike the OP doesn't mean you just -1 an abuse thread towards somebody else. He posted correct proof, and here you are -1ing without any form of argument at all. I'm glad that this kind of thing isn't coming from mods in CSS.


    Not trying to cause any form of hostilities, but come on, you're a mod! Examine the proof and come up with a decision based on IT, not the OP or who the report is against.


    Okay, first off i was there for the WHOLE thing. this shouldnt be an abuse thread, nova apologized and proceeded to slay himself. i dont need to state my reason when i was there for the whole thing! dontbleed took it as a joke whilst matsi reported it, i just -1ed it. that is all. dont bother starting something if it irritates you, chances are it'll irritate me as well.

  8. you claim he gagged everyone but you have proof of him only using !ungag @all? i do this myself because people sometimes complain in admin chat that they're still gagged. there is nothing abusive about it. also we mods go undercover to see how many rule breakers there are, you dont need a reason. you're just doing your job. i do this myself to see how many people do stuff they're not suppose to when no mod/admins are around, and then i start using my commands on them. a week ban was to harsh for something as simple as this. not being "tagged up" is not a valid reason for banning him.

  9. -1. first off, aki0 you havent been in our server for a week, you wear different tags all the time, line can be an asshole, i understand that. but he's also one of the only mods that enforces all the rules. he knows what he's doing, he doesnt deserved to be kicked. btw the people that are +1'ing this have never met line, they have no idea who he is and how he is, dont +1 solely on other peoples opinion, the only people that +1 this are the people that got slayed by him cause they fucked up somewhere or are from css.

  10. i hope you know that an admin is barely on, the moderator is suppose to do his job and moderate the server, so we're always there. and sometimes a mod screws up and we cant do anything because of power rules, i can understand why we cant slay admins but we should be able to slay mods.

  11. Hello, i have come here today with the issue of mods not being able to slay or do anything to another mod, this is a very bad move and ill tell you why. A mod can sometimes be stupid, and its our job to fix the stupidity, also some mods go afk and we cant do anything about it, or they may spam HLDJ and we cant mute them. i think this is a very stupid thing to do, and should be fixed. thank you.