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Posts posted by Theneva

  1. Hay dere! I'm not sure what division you yield from but I'm a moderator for Team Fortress 2 division :D. If your from a different division you probably wont see me all too much.


    If you need confirmation or need to learn the rules, go here-Rules This link will take you to all of the rules for each specific server, or you can just read the motd for each server and that will explain the idea of the game and rules. You'll get used to the way the site works if you hang around enough :cool:.


    So yeah, welcome to the xG community ^-^.

  2. As muffin said, you cannot do anything in a ban request without hard evidence. Besides, that's not even aimbotting. The first part of your statement is simply him sniping. It couldn't have been 5 in a second so you are over exaggerating about his sniping. Aimbotting has nothing to do with MOVING AROUND rabidly or spastically. What you said about him sniping cloaked spies as you came out of spawn, its very easy to do that on goldenrod as you can just watch a door and when it opens you know someone is coming out so you take the shot. This isn't aimbotting, not to mention there is no proof. Requesting a close?

  3. +1, awesome guy, super fun and relaxed to hang out with. He was in xG before so he knows all the rules as well as alot of people in xG. All in all I whole heartfully think that he deserves to get in c:

    A: 7/10


    D: +1

  4. Just wanted to give a heads-up that I'm leaving my town today to go to the beach on vacation :D. I'll be gone by this afternoon, and I'll be getting back later on Sunday the 2nd. I will actually have a laptop, so I can be on the forums and I will have my phone so I can be on steam mobile. If you need to ask me anything feel free to hit me up.


    Just for those that didn't read: I'll be leaving today, and wont get back till Sunday.

  5. So, as some of you may know an update was released today which makes robo crates open able! This update was entirely community fueled, and added 57 new community made hats and miscs. All of these are old hats, in robotic form! Discuss below~ Comments, opinions, concerns?

  6. You seem to have a lot of complaints for jb :o. For 1 & 2, Brian was the one who made it like that but I'm not quite sure why he did. If you want it changed you gotta tell silence. @@silence As he is the only one with server access for tf2 div. For 3, I have no idea. All the mods & admins have powers in jb, and you never messaged me so that was a lie.

  7. Even though none of you know me(I'm from tf2 div), I just wanted to give a heads-up I'll be gone camping Friday-Sunday. I will be leaving early Friday morning and getting back late Sunday night. Over these three days I will have no internet connection whatsoever, so don't expect me to be on ts3, tf2 or forums. Don't let the tf2 ts3 get too boring without me around! That pretty much wraps this up.



  8. Is deathrun not the only broken server? I know a few plugins(/mm, !bp, !pc) on the trade server are broken, but from what I knew the only server broken was deathrun. And to answer your question, the only people who know when are brian and silence :P.

  9. -1. It seems you were being a general annoyance to the staff on. Wearing the xG tag no matter the place when you are not in xG is impersonation. Which is what your friend was banned for even though he was told to take the tags out. If you are being an annoyance or not complying when a mod/admin/div asks you to change something, then you are the one that is in the wrong, not the mod/admin/div. I think you need to dull this whole deal down a bit. What you are doing with this post is overreacting and it seems like your trying to make this a bigger shitfest. Your friends ban was 4 hours, you argued about it and got yourself a day ban.

  10. I'd like to start by saying you are not very active. I believe your last name was strawberry shortcake or something? Even when your name was that, I didn't see you very often. I'm gonna leave a 0 for now just because of inactivity. If you become more active I might change to a +1.



    D: 0 until more active.

  11. I am on that server a lot and I generally try to enforce rules, but for the time being myself and a few other mods have no powers in there. So essentially we have to rely on hoping others will stop a the will of a mod(Same with sixty fourtress).

    But I think you are basing this after what you saw at about 12:00 at night. Generally there are a few mods and admins on there, but at that point most are offline.


    EDIT: I sort of reread your post, and I do agree we need more rules. As of right now there are only a small handful(4) of rules, most of which are treated fairly leniently. There should definitely be some rules about baiting, what is specifically considered rebelling or not for certain situations and possibly some detailed info about free killing and such for people new to jb. But do remember that this server was created very recently, and is still in construction. More rules and requirements will come into play once the server is well established and gets a bit older.