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Posts posted by Epix

  1. Server: N/A

    Bug/suggestion: suggestion


    Maybe if its possible make a new server like a randomized server? Like a casual fun random weps and loadout on non objective based maps such as custom ones built around a main fighting arena? (Or maybe like a king of the hill?) this kin of server can have lots of cool plugins to make the deathmatch more fun like rtd and randomized effects on spawn. I know this isn't a new idea but servers like these are fun and can get lots of population. I'm on my phone right now so I can't post links or anything but I will try when I'm back in Mercia if anyone else wants a server like this.

  2. Well, I'd never really seen it before, and I'm not sure why. Not too long ago people like Malware would do days in which we had to look at the ground, follow a path, and "follow the warden" to deathrun. That's the main reason why I messed up. Salatarium, the freeshots were part of a freeshot freeday, which LQ and nom also do when mods and admins are on, which is also why I assume it's allowed. Somebody please correct me if I'm incorrect because people do freeshot freedays and I see mods and admins saying it's okay so I think its okay. Also, donkey told me just as I began to shoot about the rule.

  3. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    In-Game Name:

    xG| Epix

    Steam ID:



    Well, apparently, I wasn't aware of one of the newer rules in which you are not allowed to tell T's to face a direction at all times then tell them to follow you, making them still face that direction. I "mass freekilled" upon this false assumption and went against this rule. It was one mistake that I usually don't freekill like this and it was a royal fuckup. I've been playing for a while and I always learn from my mistakes. I would like to have a shorter ban or a complete unban. Either is greatly appreciated.

    (Edit: I self-slayed and moved myself to T. I know that I broke a rule and freekilled.)