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Posts posted by CPMaverick

  1. I haven't been on recently so I don't really know if things have changed or not but the main problem I can see is that most staff don't really go on at certain times (12-5/6pm GMT+0) mainly because most of the staff live in America or Canada. Maybe get some people that are active in the hours when most mods aren't on.


    Yep, this is a major problem. I'm in on the West Coast of the US, and I play most around 11 pm or so. There are still players on, but very few moderators. It can be an issue, especially with the broken plugin.

  2. and thus the improvement begins, first off i only want to say that the people who i grant nova to ban are those who aren't of any real help but complain and crap talk all day.. such as saying xG or the server sucks repeatedly instead of actually giving any suggestions yes? there is no reason to listen to those who just talk shet all day instead of actually offering a solution or identifying what's the problem with who or what.


    We have many times and consistently explained our problems with how the xG clan, but more specifically the CS:GO server has been run lately.


    1) MOTD is very confusing, vague, and rarely enforced correctly.


    2) Chrono is a Division Leader of questionable competency and activity. The plugin has been broken for weeks now with no real explanation or updates on when the situation will be remedied. Without a working warden plugin, LR music missing, etc... the server barely functions.


    3) Most people that play on the CS GO server didn't join xG and then start playing on the xG server, it is the opposite. So when we have higher ups come in and say that we're just bitching... I highly doubt you understand the frustration that many of us playing daily experience.

  3. The main rule I find which confuses people the most is tarping. There should be more clear rules on how far that goes with the warden. For example: the warden says "On my go take a step out, freeze." There are a few things that can happen there that aren't really tarping but SO many people get confused on. Like if you say go before cells opens they have to go when the cells open w/ 5 seconds. Also, I argued with Malware because he said "going" and I stepped out and died.


    So basically Tarping needs to be more clear for people in the !rules. :D


    Very much this. Tarping is not adequately defined in the MOTD. Along with delaying.

  4. Hi. So if you are a regular player on the CS: GO Jailbreak server, you may know me as CPMaverick. I would like to request an appointment to be a moderator. I've been a very active player on the server for several months now, probably since CS: GO came out. All of the current moderators and admins, (as well as the DMs, Nova and TChief) can attest that I understand and know the rules, I never freekill, and I am a helpful influence on the server to new members and old. I don't believe I've made any enemies here, but I certainly think I've made friends.


    I know I only technically recently joined xG, but I've proven my dedication to the Jailbreak server. My time zone means I'm most active later at night, when there aren't very many active moderators on, so I think it would be helpful to controlling the server late at night.


    Thanks <3

  5. He's very active and has been playing for a very long time. I have literally never, ever, seen him disrespect anyone, have a problem or conflict of any kind. I've never, ever seen him break any rules either. He's a fun player, both as a T and as a CT. Doesn't warden, but that's hardly a negative in this case. +1


    Basically what Cerberus said. +1

  6. There are a few games that are commonly played on the server that require admin approval, since they are not in the MOTD. To keep things interesting, it would be nice to see some of these added.


    Knife Race

    This is commonly done with 2-3 Ts. Ts line up on a wall, face the wall, and have a set time limit to try and make the highest knife mark on the wall. After the time limit, the warden inspects the cuts and declares a winner of the game.


    LQ Roulette

    A surprisingly strong contribution by Lquidator is the LQ Roulette Day. Ts are taken to roulette and unstack shoulder to shoulder. A trivia question is asked for the button operator. The winner of the trivia chooses one T to go into each of the roulette colors. The button operator closes cells, starts roulette, and decides whether the color that the ball lands on lives or dies. They stop the roulette, the losing T is killer, and the survivor becomes the new button operator.


    Duck Hunt

    Another commonly played game. Ts go on top of an area with a long jump, usually the diving board into pool. The warden will call one T at a time to jump into the pool. CTs may fire usually a secondary weapon (aka pistols only) unless the T lands in the pool.




    Any other suggestions? These are just common games that should be in the MOTD.

  7. Ok, so I have had some problems with Line in the past. I do think that he is overly aggressive towards players and seems to relish eliminating as many Ts as possible before any real games have been played. This can make the server less enjoyable, especially when people are sort of verbally abused in the way that he does.


    However, I must say that it is important to have stricter wardens on the CS: GO JB server. My favorite wardens are people like Cerberus and Froggy who can keep the Ts in line while still realizing that the goal of the game is to have fun. But when a stricter warden like Line or JohnnyKN is on, it makes for a more challenging an interesting round. The noobies get weeded out.


    tl;dr: Line is a great asset, but maybe needs to be less of a dick -1

  8. Yes this is a contentious topic on the server. Personally, I think that if the warden tells the Ts to follow him, then the Ts should be able to look and see where the warden is going. As was already said in this thread, if the Ts start walking in the wrong direction, CTs could technically kill them for delaying. So the order to face cells should be temporary.