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Everything posted by GiddyAlphaCarte

  1. Hey I got great ideas for the server, and I would love to help any way possible. I would also love to show you some servers that get over 1000 players. We should model our server like that and we really could rack in the money from donations! As for the tekkit servers we should make them vanilla technic server and you shouldn't ban the most important items red matter and dark matter. You should ban however ban items that are destructive and have no effect to the game play of the players. This is just some of my ideas, I would love to see you on teamspeak, I will be unbanned tomorrow (If you would really like to see why you can check the ban protest.) Also I would love for you to listen to the Xg members they have great ideas and they all together represent what minecraft players want. If you also have issues with the plugins and also would like some ideas for some plugins to add to the server I can also show you some. I am just asking if I can help you in any way. I am not here to get any rank but to make xg minecraft division the best it has ever been.
  2. Warrior I just want to deeply apologize for what my brother did on your teamspeak room. Believe me he wont do that again or he will very much regret it. I also want to say sorry to Aubri because she was wrongfully targeted by my brother.
  3. Mine Crack I am really tired of you harassing the people on the G Mod division, we aren't immature childtrolls. I constantly hear you call the people of the G Mod Division 14 year old trolls. Really tired of your constant disrespect. For the people who wanted to know my age, I lied about my age I am sixteen born on Feb 20 1997. I wanted to quickly make a account so my years were of. Believe me I wasn't trying to make my self look older. I will quickly change that.
  4. Division: Garry's Mod In-Game Name: Giddy Alpha Carter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52616621 Information: I was on the teamspeak server today and I also had my brother on who was a guest. I soon noticed he went in Warrior fury room and was yelling at player in the room. I came in to hear what he said then left to the G-Mod area. Soon after JakeEnglish came in and and told my brother not to do that again, and gave him a warning, I told Jake he was a guest and I apologized for his actions. My brother promptly left the server and I continued to talk to the DL of G MOD Division about the TTT server. My brother tried to reconnect and noticed he was banned, I talked to Serbian and asked if he was Ip banned, were he told me he was and I was to be banned also. I would really just loved to be unbanned from the Teamspeak server. I respect that you did what you had to do, but I would really love if I would not have to pay for my brothers actions. He is 16 years old and he doesn't listen to me. ( Also to note that we are twin brothers, we have nearly the same voice for we are identical.) Please dont mistaken me for him. Thanks for listening, Giddy Alpha Carter
  5. Hello if anyone needs to talk to me I will be on the website and steam, was banned from my brothers actions, mic spam in serbians words.
    1. GiddyAlphaCarte


      3 Days, I Really just don't understand my brother went on warriors room and yelled at the players then left, then I get banned from it. Serbian banned me though and he has a final say, so I just accept it.
    2. mtown81


      Just make a ban protest if it wasn't you on the mic.
    3. GiddyAlphaCarte
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Hello SuperMaddud, I would love to help out the minecraft server by anyway means possible. I have two other people who are eager to join Xeno Gaming. The two people I know IRL and can contribute hugely to your server. I would really love to talk to you more on how we can make XG minecraft servers one of the most popular servers to be on. We also have experience with minecraft servers and can assist with any problems you might encounter. Please I would love to talk to you more on how we can get the servers populated
  7. +1 Saw him on the forums totally doesnt look like a member, total troll.
  8. +1 Awesome guy to play with, has great ideas for G Mod, and helps in any way with the G Mod Division.
  9. A 8/10 m 9/10 Cool Guy, I think he should get another chance. +1
  10. Jobs Gun dealer Drug dealer Black market dealer Mayor Cop Cop Chief Swat Swat Chief Secret Service Hitman Elite Hitman (VIP) Mercenary Gangster Mob boss Terrorist Doctor Hobo Hobo King Security Guard MOTD Rules 1. Be respectful and do not communicatively attack other players. 2. Follow New Life Rule (NLR). You do not remember anything that happened in your former life. You can not return to where you died for 3 minutes. 3. Do not Random Deathmatch (RDM). Random deathmatch is where you kill someone or multiple people for no reason. 4. Prop mingery is not allowed. Prop minging consists of prop blocking, prop surfing, prop climbing, spamming props, prop clipping, prop killing, building in spawn, invisible props, building in someone's base, and building during a raid. 5. Do not Metagame. Metagaming is acting on information your character does not know of, or using OOC elements in-character. 6. Abide by your job's rules. 7. You can only raid as certain classes. (Specified in job descriptions.) Once your objective is complete, do not take over. 8. If someone is not doing their job demote them; however, do not random demote. If there is an administrator on, do not demote for server rules. 9. If you are going to make a fading door, the keypad needs to be near or on the door, obvious to which door it operates, and there can not be fake keypads. There is a maximum of 3 fading doors with keypads that block walking access per base 11. Hobo is the only class allowed to build in public, but stands and shops are the exception. 12. During a lockdown, nobody can shoot on sight, only AOS, unless fired upon. 13. Spam, of any sort, will not be tolerated.
  11. Division: Garry's Mod In-Game Name: Giddy Alpha Carter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52616621 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 16 Further Information: I have been playing Garry's Mod for over 2 years and have a very good grasp on Darkrp and TTT.