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Posts posted by Master_Loki

  1. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    [PBTH] Loki

    Steam ID:


    Quiet basically we got into a argument about cross clan relations and I simply asked for an explanation of why not he refused to answer me and I told him my view of what would happen to the Xenogamers for situations just like this one.

    Out of what I think is anger he did this

    which is against the rules of everything

    -Per-ma banned me for my opinion

    -Renamed me faggot *very hurtful* on the per-ma ban list

    -His reason for per-ma banning me and naming me a faggot "No reason needed"

    Please help me get unbanned

    bring justice to Nomulous' unjustified Negative attitude

  2. I play on Hale JB #1 & #2 Most of the trader severs and occasionally the Deathrun severs I mainly play on the JB I have been doing it for awhile. i'd say since 3 years idk its been a long time thats what I know. I dont try to intentionally Bother or hurt peoples feelings :). Just threw in that part because i've heard people are angry with me ^_^


  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    The God of Mischief

    Steam ID:



    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    Real Name: Alexander Scott Nielsen

    I am very much hopeful of becoming a moderator for Teamfortress 2 xG severs I feel as if I could solve alot of the problems there like I try to do just being a member :). Hopefully this submission will be looked at and approved.

    I am very originized and well at managing events in my later time in xG I hope to become a Admin so I may excersize my Orginization skills.

    Im a Free Lancing Graphic Artist and A Professional Streamer.

    Tis' my self good luck :) have a nice one :):)