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Everything posted by Master_Loki

  1. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: [PBTH] Loki Steam ID: Steam Community :: [PBTH] Loki Information: Quiet basically we got into a argument about cross clan relations and I simply asked for an explanation of why not he refused to answer me and I told him my view of what would happen to the Xenogamers for situations just like this one. Out of what I think is anger he did this which is against the rules of everything -Per-ma banned me for my opinion -Renamed me faggot *very hurtful* on the per-ma ban list -His reason for per-ma banning me and naming me a faggot "No reason needed" Please help me get unbanned bring justice to Nomulous' unjustified Negative attitude
  2. Get Me unbanned today!
    1. Haruka
    2. Kypari


      What even happened?
    3. realBelloWaldi


  3. Please Tell me what I broke :)
  4. I play on Hale JB #1 & #2 Most of the trader severs and occasionally the Deathrun severs I mainly play on the JB I have been doing it for awhile. i'd say since 3 years idk its been a long time thats what I know. I dont try to intentionally Bother or hurt peoples feelings :). Just threw in that part because i've heard people are angry with me ^_^
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/the_god_of_mischief
  6. Darude - Sandstorm
  7. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: The God of Mischief Steam ID: Steam Community :: The God of Mischief Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 17 Further Information: Real Name: Alexander Scott Nielsen I am very much hopeful of becoming a moderator for Teamfortress 2 xG severs I feel as if I could solve alot of the problems there like I try to do just being a member :). Hopefully this submission will be looked at and approved. I am very originized and well at managing events in my later time in xG I hope to become a Admin so I may excersize my Orginization skills. Im a Free Lancing Graphic Artist and A Professional Streamer. Tis' my self good luck :) have a nice one :):)
  8. I am Loki The True Loki of Xenogaming.
  9. I Program HTML I am a Twitch Streamer I am a Master Trader Im into girls. I am virgo. I am Loki.
  10. I Program HTML I am a Twitch Streamer I am a Master Trader Im into girls. I Love most girls. I dont disrespect girls. I am virgo. I am Loki