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Posts posted by Triviality

  1. Hello Everyone! Im here with some ideas and suggestions to be posted regarding these 2 servers.

    Zombie Survival

    a large issue with gamemode is engineers fighting viability compared to other classes. Yes, they have sentries, but anlytically speaking, they are outclasses by many other classes in terms of DPS, and ammo efficiency. A large issue I find with the class is how the dispensers are also disabled and are instead tiny barricades. Perhaps in maps such as nightmine or hauntedmansion a dispenser fits, but engineer is a very lackluster class which i feel deserves a more fitting role. I ask that you nerf the dispensers health, but allow it to produce health and ammo, that way 10 engineers are actually doing something besides getting instakilled and survivors are either getting raped by heavies, scouts, or spies.

    Freak Fortress 2

    Lately what with the readdition of the upgrades store, Im glad to say that the server feels like it was in its prime once again. However the case a lot of bosses were removed due to being underplayed. To that reason I say is absolutely silly. I miss having 10 pages of bosses to choose from, bosses with amazing music to fight too. Im tired of fighting Musicless or bland bosses over and over again. Gabe, miku, shrek, all of the bosses we have can be recited and memorized by the community for how overplayed and oversaturated the gamemode has become with them. With freak fortress 2 I plead that someone re-add all the bosses that were removed. Even the touhou bosses, people argued over their overpoweredness, but atleast they were different. And im not gonna be shy to admit that the tohou bosses had amazing music to fight too.


    On a nitty gritty note, perhaps their is a way to disable hyper scout and hyper hoovy for Blu Team? We gotta find a way to stop a 100000mph running gaben


    ~Best regards to the community, Triv

  2. Hi. Im Trivi, im a member of the XG community who mostly goes on Freak Fortress and Zombie fortress. Im an engineer main, and in regards to Zombie Fortress, the engineers buildings Other than sentry not needed in any case. Only in some cases when it comes to barricading chokepoints does a dispenser come into play, but there needs to be some changes to that class to make it more of a support than the usual, see engy placing nothing but mini's here and there.



    Dispenser actually gives health and ammo

    Ammo doesnt decrease gradually in sentries



    Less ammo than Half (2/5)

    Possible Max on Engineers?


    Perhaps if can be done, allow Gunslinger Engineers to have whats currently in place for engineer buildings, and Other wrenches to have the suggestions above. I understand I may be asking for a lot, but i'd love to see new stuff. Please, these suggestions are open to criticism.

  3. We can't really do stuff about Steam. If he was in game and talking fudge, then we could do something about it. I would just tell him to find another mod to add and unfriend him. You don't have to stand there and listen to him ;-;.


    Im here to support Demonic. Rekt is not a good person when it comes to the community. I'm not really used to posting on threads, but this pic shows proof of Rekt being awful. I'll try to look for more evidence from my screenshots as time goes.


  4. Hello! Im a player of The Xenogear Freak Fortress Server.


    Yesterday, history was made as half a server contributed to craft a Collector's Reserve Shooter.


    To my knowledge, this is the first Collectors ever to be crafted on the server.


    Lets all embrace on the screenshots and Xenogear timepiece that we as a community made yesterday


    I wish I took screenshots of everyone trading for reserve shooters in bulk, that was hilarious XD

