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Posts posted by Xerses

  1. @Dethman. Time doesn't matter. Threads blow up with 10s of posts in seconds. Evidence: this censored screenshot. [MEDIA=imgur]MFj6036[/MEDIA]

    I don't feel like going on /b/ to look for a better example, but THIS. Threads after a minute or two will blow up with posts. It takes seconds to do a captcha, select and post an image.

  2. You clearly don't understand. You were literally talking about cp MINUTES BEFORE the link was posted. If you did understand you wouldn't have posted the link in the first place.




    Should've known that before.


    Yes, never denied that. We talked about TOR, and that stuff in general. Was not perving out however. It was a legal thread. I shared bc it fit with the conversation. I didn't know it had CP on it, but the thread was JB (not 100% sure) and non sexual so I share w/ dethman. If it was blatant cp, it would not have been shared. And I still am not 100% mature always swoosh. I know laws very well. I don't intend to push the limits or endanger xG. It was a massive mistake than you have a different viewpoint on this subject. I just want Rhodo to explain how he feels about all this guys, so can we wait for that? We have covered everything already.

  3. It was a legal thread at the start. I should have used better judgement. I've explained I would not EVER purposefully harmed anymore. This is off topic however and there are always risks and links should not be shared EVER. I understand in full.

  4. I didn't have the thread open. Copied reply URL. How is it BS. You said there was CP on there. I didn't know that. Shit, I didn't even open the thread man. I'm being honest. I don't remeber anything about brazen bulls or that stuff that night. Maybe it was a previous conversation? I said I SAW fudged up stuff, not limiting to that vile industry. I don't go around hunting for it, I don't find it attractive, I avoid it at all costs. I seriously did not know it was CP. I messaged Swoosh by accident, meant to message someone else who I had previously talked to about the matter. I was in shock about realizing what had happened when I talked to you dude.. I calmed down a bit after that and thought more rationally. Just because you've had anxiety issues doesn't mean others don't have them. I wouldn't post something blatantly illegal if I knew it was illegal. When it was shared it said 0 images omitted, and there were some posts. Means no extra images were posted at that time. I was going off OP's picture which was legal. The thread 404'ed quickly afterwards I am assuming. I understand how you feel, but it really wasn't intentional. I don't go around sharing blatantly illegal content.

  5. You aren't reading all of my post. It DID NOT have CP on it upon sharing. That was posted after the sharing of it. I cannot help that that happened. I apologized. I haven't twitch raided in months. This is about what happened on TS, this is not about twitch raiding" I never raided your or Chicken and I disbanded my raiding group months before applying for member. Threads blow up really fast or die slowly on 4chan. I realize that xG dislikes 4chan which is why I refrain from bringing it up. It was a mistake and had no illegal content at the time of sharing as I have stated previously. Please read my opening post in its entirety.

  6. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    OUT DMs, DL, and CLs,

    So there has been the biggest misunderstanding ever. Yes, I'm aware of the rules. Let's do a Q & A to start things off bc its 2 am so why no right m8s?

    Q1: Are you a sick, depraved, child hungry pedo?

    A: Sadly (sarcasm), no I'm not. I'm fucking 17 (not that pedos are a certain age), and I hate pedophiles. Having known one for several years, this behaviour disgusts me.

    Q2: Are you autistic, wth did you post a link to a CP thread and a direct image link to CP on Team Speak.

    A: Yes, I am autistic as hell, I make mistakes and don't think always before I CTRL+C and CTRL+. I'm not Jesus. I make mistakes...this one was major however.

    Q3: Why don't you think this is a big deal you sick fuck (@metalslug53 this ones for you Scoot, yes ik you "hate" me)

    A: I do care, I was crying and had an anxiety attack over my stupidity. It is a big deal, and I didn't mean for it to happen. It was a
    MISTAKE :o
    (Yes even I, Xerses make mistakes) I fuck up quite frequently, but not on purpose, and its harmless 99% of the time. This, however, is not one of those times. I go on 4chan. I love 4chan. I am a /b/ro. I'm a complete and utter /b/fag. I love /b/ with its, YLYL, cringe, and greentext threads. Its my favorite site of all time. I was browsing /b/ and refresh the page. A LEGAL thread pops up. Girl in bikini taking a selfie is OP's (original poster) picture. It's not sexual. It's not CP. It's not even nude. Just a selfie. What the thread was dedicated to was vile however. Not pornographic or gore, but /b/ros know what I mean. I share because it's 1am, and frankly I should have been asleep, then we wouldn't be here. At the time of sharing, there was no CP on the thread, nor nudicles. I payed it no mind.and went on browsing, never checked on the thread after that. I came upon a HILLARY CLINTON photoshop onto a model (fully clothed, , 100% LEGAL). People are saying this was a direct link to CP. If Hilary Clinton's head on a Maxim models body is CP, then I don't want to see the age of the women (or men) you find attractive xG. On the screen shot of the "evidence" you can clearly see that I say Hilary is hawt jk. I can't show the link and the screenshot of the Hilary Image, bc 404'ed by now and I was banned from forums, but I doubt that either @Dethman or @Liekos looked at the image or read the text. I have shared 4chan links with TS before, often to YLYL images or to cringe threads. NEVER anything containing nudity, or blatant violence against humans. Other's have, I haven't. TS contains a crowd of mixed ages. I'm well aware about how xG feel's about pornography and I concur. If your under 18, it is by United States law, that pornographic material is illegal for you to see or own. Now the majority of xG lives in the US, so those rules go for you wonderful Turks, Brits, Scotts, and French(we have a French fry right?). I abide by xG's rules, and have defended staff when people have questioned their ruling on an issue if I am on the servers with them (obviously). I closed the thread, and payed it no mind after sharing and commenting that it was disgusting. Dethman clicked on it and after a minute or so (correct me on times if I am wrong guys) said "Dude there is CP on here!WTF" The thread was a FB one (no nudity as stated previously ) thread, and as 4chan rules, underage content is an instant perm so users are relatively safe from such atrocities. I did not know that CP was going or had been posted ( a length of time passed between when Dethman clicked the post and when it was shared, so people had posted already obviously). He doesn't say anything. and I am generally confused for a bit. Did not check back and just said "Oh" essentially. I was unaware of the posting of underage content as I did not have the thread open (it was on /b/ page one and linked reply URL). I realized I should not have shared, out of the safety of xG, Dethman, Liekos, myself, and everyone else in the channel at the time even if no CP had been posted on the thread (bc there is ,although small, a risk of it being on a thread) The thread 404'ed shortly after according to xG staff. I was banned after Dethman confirmed I broke rules. I am permentaly banned from Team Speak, I was banned from the forums until today, and I am banned from all of your servers. I have been cut out and barred from all things connected to xG essentailly. Upon knowing and losing half my friends list, being shamed for a mistake, among other things, I broke down and well you know. Last time I cried was when both my cats died 2 years ago... xG means a lot to me and I love all you guys a lot. Your a great, friendly community, and I would NEVER intentionally endanger you EVER. I realize 4chan should stay with 4chan and not seep over to xG at all. This was a mistake, and it pains me to write this. I'm asking for you guys to forgive a MASSIVE mistake, and I know it's not easy, but I am not a pedo I do not find that sort of thing attractive what so ever. Scoot, Dethman, Liekos, I'm sorry I posted that being so naive and incompetent. I understand if you don't want to unban, but please do not think I am a pedo. I wanted to clean all of this up, and hopefully be able to get back onto the servers, and Team Speak again. (-: Thanks xG. Here's the screen shot to the links (DO NOT COPY THE FIRST ONE, it was the thread. They are both 404'ed but think of it as a disarmed bomb.) I'm asking for your forgivness and I hope you understand that it was a mistake. I will not post links EVER, and would do what it takes to gain access to xG servers (game and TS, forums too if I'm suppost to be permed). I'm your bitch. Thank you, if you read all of this. It means a lot.

  7. Answers:


    Set 1:

    Question 1: Alice in Wonderland

    Explanation: Alice went down the Rabbit Hole to get to Wonderland


    Question 2: Fibonacci Sequence

    Explanation: Numbers are one


    Question 3: A question

    Explanation: Self Explainitory


    Question 4: Age

    Explanation: Self Explainitory


    Set 2:

    Question 1: Cicada

    Explanation: Cicada 3301 puzzle obviously


    Question 2: Nothing

    Explanation: Doesn't require one


    Question 3: What door?

    Explanation: It asked you a question. See hint


    Question 4: Morse Code

    Explanation: See beep.mp3


    Question 5: Yes

    Explanation: It asked you a question. See hint


    Set 3:

    Question 1: Rubik's Cube

    Explanation: Rubiks Cube was based off the Latin Calender Cube which featured Julius Caesar as patron to one of the months


    Question 2: Destinies of the Soul

    Explanation: Souls. People claim to see them but they are "hidden" (if they exist, not trying to be religious). Famous book written about souls


    Question 3: O Willow Waly

    Explanation: The imfamous joke associated with Darude Sandstorm is asking "Song name?"

    So question is asking for the name of the song


    Question 4:

    Explanation: Describes Gallileo Gallilies theroy that the Earth is not the center of the Universe.

  8. Confused as to what you mean regarding Set 1. You already used up your guesses for Set 1. And please explain as to how you got the answers. And no that book one is incorrect. If you want to do it I'll give you the amazon account bonus. But it will count as part of Set 3. @Dethman


    Edit: Explain the logic used to achieve your answers is what I mean

  9. They don't need to be questions. They all reference stuff that's really simple but I worded them weird on purpose. like Set 1 Q3 literally is asking what it is. Some questions are directed at the reader as if someone was asking you the question. How would you respond? Most of this stuff you can look up. I never said you couldn't use GoOgGle.

  10. Set 3:

    Question 1: What connects Gauis Julius Caesar with Hungary?

    Question 2: Visible, yet hidden. A book (Don't do. You won't get it)

    Question 3: Darude Sandstorm (Sound File one)

    Question 4: As bright as the sun Out of control it spun Heaven doesn't change Yet it did






  11. I have devised a series of questions to challenge, and mainly just copypasta @Forest kek

    There are 3 sets of Puzzles

    Set 1: Easy, Everyone should get these

    Set 2: Challenging

    Set 3: Mindfuck (Don't do Set 3 Q2, its not required)



    First Person to get Set 1 right: Mann Co. Key

    First Person to get Set 2 right: Rocket Launcher worth 10 keys ($25)

    First Person to get Set 3 right: Strange Pro Killstreak Frying Pan worth 15 Keys ($37.5)

    Plus my Old Amazon Account which still has money on it!

    Explain how you solved it (to prove you didn't cheat)



    If an incorrect answer has been given, then the question shall

    remain open until a correct answer has been confirmed.

    I do not expect anyone to get any of the questions right. Prove me wrong. Any MEMBER may participate

    Set 1: 2 Guesses per question

    Set 2: 3 Guesses per question

    Set 3: 3 Guesses (1 guess bonus for completing Set 1, 2 guess bonus for completing Set 2) per question

    Challenge will be closed in a month.

    Not all questions are complex. The answer can be right in front of you.

  12. It's a clan. I have only started learning about the intricacies of xG's structure recently so forgive me. A clan can only do so much. Even people who have great skill in coding (ie @Nomulous ) can only do so much with source. You can't host a server for every major multiplayer game. They all have periods of time where they are popular and times where they are not popular. Much of the hype has gone down about minecraft since 2009. Communities that are Minecraft SPECIFIC are well established and vibrant. Friendly Fire and Vatican City are 2 prime examples of tf2 SPECIFIC clans. xG need's to find its niche in gaming and people will realize how it can be a great place to be part of. Not necessarily a clan centered around 1 game, but something related to gaming should unite xG as it is....*surprise* a gaming clan. Everyone has a role and if you abuse, or neglect your position you should be prepared for the consequences of your actions. People who have been here a long time like xG a lot and I'd imagine they don't want to see people BM'ing each other of conflicts on the internet. xG has potential to be awesome clan (not that it isn't), but all these shitstorms and petty squabbles isn't going to help. This isn't 4chan ya know. People aren't going to like you for being a lazy jackass.

  13. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Xerses: Lamb of God

    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active:

    6 months



    Further Information:

    Been a month. Lets do this ;p

  14. @diabeetus most of the servers I have seen keep 15-20 people on averge and are 100% vanilla (no plug ins, custom maps,etc) so people will join, and if the seriver is unique they will stay and bring friends. @Hachi what commitment? You don't even play the game xD