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Posts posted by Makr6e6

  1. Non-registered posting will certainly be abused as Rhodo mentions.


    To state my thoughts on the matter: If people want their spraying privileges back, they should at least make the minimal effort.

    Since the rules are plastered on the Loading screen, the MOTD pops-up when people connect, and we give everyone one warning.


    However, as I said in Teamspeak. Most people are lazy and the clan-site can be clunky for newbies.

    So I'm fine with people going through us, Teamspeak or the steam-group- *for spray bans specifically.

  2. Just an idea, deduct alien points or brood upgrades for brood team kills.

    That would further discourage players or RDMers from killing other broods.


    Another idea would be to make brood form permanent if they kill 2 or more fellow broods.

    It would speed up a ruined round for victims and prevent griefers from delaying in human form.


    Despite those suggestions, the new changes to sanity are a massive improvement.

  3. @Stickz

    Mor_facility_cv2, mor_alphastation_b4_re, mor_isolation_b4_re have been armed with the new content and are on the main server. I've also added 2 more medkits to alpha-station since you mentioned it was lacking. I'll release 3 or 6 more tomorrow after testing with @DoctorGringo.


    Edit; We've temporarily removed them from the main server due to a bug.

  4. @Stickz I figured those statistics were off which is why I said about, but by how much- Idk. Really wish we had more details with stats and data tracking in general. Would be a lot less presumptions on my part then. As for late game, yeah humans are definitely screwed when more than half of the server is infected. I'll give smokes grenades a second thought when they're on, and thanks for tweaking vitamins.

  5. Excuse errors or tone, I'm drowsy. @APArtHistory @DoctorGringo


    I agree that glow-sticks would be better having their own slot, rather than grenades, for the reasons AP and Gringo mentioned. IF we’re going to allow people to carry both grenades & med-kits, because of weight and swarm. Then why not do the same for weapons? I personally think both are a bad idea. It reduces meaningful choices, gives players too much offense, makes stashing easier and encourages item hoarding. Will also likely increase grenade spam and accidents.


    Aliens win about 40% of the time, why make humans stronger?

    Brood grenades shouldn’t infect humans (imo) it's too easy, and giving grenades their own slot encourages that.


    Adding to what Gringo said about balancing and changes. Some of the new grenades could be -later- reconsidered for removal, after testing & tweaking. An example might be the smoke grenade. I don’t see it benefiting humans at all with alien smell/vision. During early testing it was ineffective as a smoke screen. So why would a brood bother? It would make more sense as an alien upgrade/ability, instead of a human throwaway. In my *current* opinion the smoke grenade is *probably* not worth keeping.


    Conversely, Vitamins will be a useful addition. Since it’ll allow for larger maps or paths, and give humans the choice to explore or hold out. The only thing I can suggest is adding a cool down to it. So players can't immediately consume all of the vitamins for full effect. Other than that, it's still way too early to judge. We'll probably have a map ready later today with the new content. Isolation and or Temple.


    Thanks for providing feedback AP, I'll comment more later.



    Near death indicator is mostly aesthetic, option to disable is something to consider. Changing it really won’t matter, since people are going to have preferences. Even if Nitro bile is OP, it’s rarely used. I think we should look into it more another time before we consider fucking with it.Changing it to a slow instead of a freeze is a neat idea though. Perhaps also reduce mouse sensitivity or aiming. Screech will take too long to discuss here, and it's better suited for the other thread Gringo linked to. I’m on the fence with screech since I don't mind it but boy do people bitch about it. The new grenades have a glow to them I believe, should consider adding that to frags as well.

  6. I understand what you were referring to, and I'm by no means trying to argue. To clarify, my first post was just a comment on why some people react to it harshly and call it out. I also agree that the phrase has lost it's meaning, and social media has become this pissing contest of halo polishing. I'll leave it at that for now, since I don't really expect much discussion in these parts, aside from you.


    Thanks for replying and keeping it impersonal.

    I look forward to chatting with you again.

  7. That being said, it's just a phrase that people use, simple as that. There isn't some deeper meaning to it for most. It's just the way that particular person chooses to say "I hope things get better for you". Besides, it isn't like it's a phrase used to jab at someone so much as it is a phrase of empathy. Don't see why it should be called out on :coffee:


    I've seen plenty of people use it as a jab in religious arguments. That is "you're going to hell, but I'll pray for you" to sum it up.Also I don't think most people are "triggered" by it. If anything- annoyed by the emptiness of it's expression by so many.


    It's akin to harming to someone and then telling people you've been forgiven by god.

    Rather than seeking forgiveness from those you harmed. It's a cop-out for the lazy and wicked.


    Anyways, may the gods watch over you and Talos bless your kind heart.


    (edited for formatting)

  8. OP


    Femininity (or the feminine) is basically physical and cultural traits we associate with the female sex.

    As for feminism, it's always been this sort of opposite to far right conservatism, and christian fundamentalism.


    Personally I understand why it as movement exists and why it's still relevant today (raised as a roman catholic pole).

    Though I think it, as a political movement, is disingenuous, hypocritical and a threat to important liberties & truths.

    Things like due process; innocent until proven guilty, the criminalizing of expression or speech, legal definitions of rapes, etc.


    Then there's the egalitarian clap-trap of "50/50" (equality of outcome). Ironically you don't see these people complaining

    when the males are falling below that standard. You also won't hear about getting more women (50/50)

    in "undesirable" occupations. Simply because people are hardwired with a traditionalist mindset (chivalry or benevolent sexism).


    Westerners have this mythology of the past. That the collective known as "women" have had it bad, and "men" have had it good.

    The meme of the cavemen pulling their unwilling brides by the hair. No matter how untrue that is. That type of thinking

    removes the individual, and collectively puts (dare I say) "privileged" men in the same basket as your average and disadvantaged.


    Feminists whom aren't of the man hating persuasion. Tend to be feminists because 1.) it's trendy to masturbate ego via la "I'm a good person" 2. Whom wouldn't advocate for more privileges FOR THEMSELVES? and 3. Chauvinists and the religious view women as baby making machines, and sandwich vendors. "BECUASE FUCK YOU, THIS IS HOW GOD INTENDED IT. GOD DAM IT!!"


    Annnyyywaaays, before I disappear. I don't think beauty is "subjective". Sure there's personal tastes and odd kinks.

    BUT a lot of what we find beautiful. Is tied to what's familiar and (sexually) attractive for making copies of ourselves.

    I don't see how anyone could argue that it is subjective. When things like diseases and oddities are naturally repulsive.