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  1. Friendly
    Jafari reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Explaining myself   
    In this post im going to be explaining why I used to be such a scumbag on this community, though none of what I say excuses what I did, I think what happened was all on me.
    Ok, first time. The first time i left was out of rage because I spammed the forums, and was facing deserved backlash that I thought I didn't deserve.
    Second time. I honestly don't even remember.
    Third time. I left because me and my friends at the time (I still don't really know my relationship with them at this point) had a fallout because I was being a cancerous piece of shitand I became extremely angry and left for no reason.
    Thats about all the ones i even remember, remember i'm truly sorry for the asshole iv'e been to all of you. I really want to be a better person, online and in real life. Iv'e been trying (and hopefully succeeding) at being a better person on here. Thats about all I have to say, Goodbye.
  2. Bad Spelling
    Jafari got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Jafari - Team Fortress 2   
    In-Game Name
    Jafari Primary Division
    Team Fortress 2 Previous Member
    No Profile
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072748749/ Age
    21 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    655 hours Reason for Joining
    I've always enjoy the casual atmosphere of this community. XG servers are probably the community servers i've spend most of my time when playing TF2. So i wish to further invest myself in it. 
    That's pretty much it, i enjoy the people in this clan and wish to be part of it.
    Also excuse my poor grammar. English is not my first lenguage.