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About Me

Found 1475 results

  1. I play almost every day on CS GO and when I do I play in Xg Jailbreak server. I have fun with the people in the server and its a good atmosphere this is why I want to join the clan so bad! :excitement:
  2. I was asked to apply since i play alot on XG TTT server. I also play some League of legends
  3. I've been playing on xG servers for a while now and everyone in the clan seems like pretty cool people, so I thought I would try and join. I'd love to be a part of this community and thanks for looking at my app. :eagerness:
  4. Hi guys! Want to join that nice community. I mainly play Jailbreak. I've played alot of Jb server and I came to realize XenoGamers has the best rules and members attitude (that I appreciate). Now I only play on XG servers. My first language is French (bilingual) and I prefer XG servers even if there are francophone servers. So I want to be part of your group. Thank you and see you around.
  5. Its been 1 year I have been playing in xG servers and i think this is the day i should apply. ^-^
  6. hey guys =) edit: Now registered on teamspeak. Thank You McNeo
  7. well i have been playing for a while and hope that i may now be accepted into your fine community, and become part of what i see as a very nice and accepting community, and so now i leave it in your hands to decide whether i am an xG or an average joe
  8. Hello Admins, Division Managers, Moderators and Representatives, I was hoping you could review my application after reading it to decide whether I'm worth of the "[xG]" tag. I'm interested in joining due to the fact that I'm always on xG, I enjoy playing with you as well as familiar faces seen around on your various servers. I'm mature for your average 15-year old, and I try to stay out of everybody's way. I follow rules well and I also do well during situations that are in need of solving. Due to the fact that I'm still attending highschool, I won't be online until 2:45 Eastern. Wednesdays and Fridays I have bowling from 3 until around 6, so those days will be a later schedule for me. I am on everyday though. As for the MOTD, I have read through those and I fully understand the regulations and what I can and can not do. I do not abuse my powers when I am given the privilege to have such accessibilities. If I am granted permission to have the "[xG]" tag beside my name, I will respect and follow what I am supposed to do as always. Thank you for taking the time to review my application, I hope the included information gives you evidence on your decisions! Sincerely, - Kourtney "Sharkbait" Sharkey
  9. Requesting to be a member of Xg. I do have a mic, but i am not yet registered on TeamSpeak.
  10. Favoite game: Hitman Silent Assassin
  11. To Whom It May Concern, This is my formal application for membership within xG. Having played on the CS:GO JB server for several months now, I have made many friends and enjoy the server thoroughly. A bit of a larakin (it comes with living in Australia) I like to think that I add value to the server and would enjoy being more involved in the community. I look forward to your acceptance or being shot down in a ball of flame :) Regards Nom De Guerre (name of war)
  12. Well I left and I have decided that maybe I should give xg another go since some of the people that were a annoying left. I feel like that everybody has a 2nd chance and so I feel like applying for xg again. I have always been a good person but when I first started I kinda wasnt. But since all that has happened to me I have decided to rejoin and if I get accepted I will close Anti-xG and I will let somebody else renew it cause I feel like xG has always been their for when I needed something to do. Yes this is for NS2 and CS:S and so anybody from those 2 div's can suggest. So go ahead and +1 or -1 but plz leave a comment why I should/should not be in xG. Love the comments so I can accept them and modify my attitude.
  13. Some of you love me some of you hate me, lets see how this turns out.
  14. Hello to the people in xG, I've been wanting to join your clan for a while, I've played alot on your server since when you guys only had you CSS server. I've played alot on your xG CSS servers and I've recently been playing alot on your gmod servers. I've applyed to your server once before (Doesn't show but I posted it.) and that was a application I regret making cause I knew it sucked now I know I this one is much better. I hope I get applyed. Thanks for reading my application PS: I'll remove the Admin in my name if it's needed and I'll be registering on the teamspeak if I already haven't done so. PSS: I'm also pretty decent with GFX.
  15. Hello. I would like to join [xG]. The [xG] people in the CS:GO Jail break server are funny, very nice, and friendly. I will like to be apart of this great, friendly Community!
  16. Hello everybody! I have been active on the Xeno Gamers Cs:GO Jailbreak server quite a bit over the last 2 months, especially within the last month. I have had the opportunity to play with many xG members and enjoy the server. I know the rules well, often help members, and admins enforce them by catching things they may not see, and I feel I am a fair and honest player. I almost always slay myself when I accidentally break rules, and I never intentionally break the rules. There are rare occurrences (as with anyone who plays JB) where I may not agree that I should be slain, or have broken a rule, and I do stand up for myself, and that has frustrated some xG members in the past. (Sorry Nova) I try not to argue and just have fun. (That is why we play this game right?) I am a cop in real life, so I'm used to following and enforcing rules, taking on responsibility, and being a leader. I hope that all of the members that I play with on a daily basis can vouch for me so I can be one step closer to becoming greater friends with all of you. Thanks for your time and consideration!
  17. i may be the reason for the zombie apocalypse if it ever happens :distracted:
  18. I was a top/head admin for one of the most hated communities of all, CvG. I can learn the rules to multiple communities really fast and work well under pressure to make quick and effective decisions
  19. Have been playing actively for the past 2 weeks or so, hope to be able to join
  20. i don't even know what to write here.
  21. Hey, I've been playing on xG CS:GO jailbreak for a while and would love to become part of the community. I know the rules and I know I don't use my mic much but plan to do so more when I can get it fixed. I find xG to be a great gaming community with a good atmosphere and that's why I would like to join you guys.
  22. I am re-applying for xG. Last time I didn't get in for reasons that I know now. I have been playing on xG servers since August. I have donated $20 in all to xG. I know many people in the xG community. I am on the CS:S everyday, and sometimes the minecraft server. So please leave a +1 or -1 and have a sexy day.-Abraham Lincoln
  23. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE INFO ABOUT ME THATS ALL! Hi, I'm applying for the Member Rank. - In-Game Name: Professional Jackass (NoobsBro) - Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47913920 - Your age: 14 Years of age. - Your time zone: Centrall, US. - Times that you are usually on: Week days 4:30 PM to 1:30 AM / 8:45 to 4:30 AM on Week ends - Which server are you usually on? JB. Always. - Reason(s) for wanting to be an admin: From the first day I joined, I've really enjoyed the community & servers. They're well populated, greatly and always wanted to join. I'm very active. - Do you have any bans on our community? Yes Just Like 1 team ban on accdiently. Sorry :( - If so, what were the reasons? Umm Abusing On Accdient. Team Ban. - Have you been an admin for another community? Yes I left I Admin before never abuse The owners hate me :/. Sorry :( - Are you currently an admin for another community? No Im not in one I was in byb then ag then ug then Modifiedgaming Then I LEFT THEM ALL BETRAY THEM CAUSE THE OWNER BETRAY ME. - How long have you been playing CSGO? I have exactly 257 Hours - How long have you been playing on Modified Gaming's DarkRP server? A little over one month. But I've gained the experience needed with my one month here & administrating on other servers. Im not mod anymore they didn't betray me umm my 1 month thing ran out. Thank you for reading & reviewing my Member App. I greatly appreciate the time you took to do so. -Profession Jackass (NoobsBro)
  24. I have been playing on the csgo xg jailbreak server for a long time for a few moths now sice its been up.I have previously gone by the name AkaBankzer.Im a really friendly guy and i warden when im in ct.Im very athletic i do boxing,guitar,and soccer.