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I have Three Dota 2 Invites for Trade

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Hey guys, I have three Dota 2 invites for trade. I want either a (good) Steam game invite in return or the purchase of three chest keys (~$7.50) for each invite. Hit me up if you're interested!

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Sad your asking for money from your community you are in, instead of holding a free contest or something, any 1 who had dota 2 beta has gotten 3 keys btw. So don't buy it from this scumbag..

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Well, I'm not trying to profiteer or anything. I actually paid $30 for Dota 2. Old games like The Ship sometimes give out invites after a while, which was what I was hoping for. I actually gave away one the Dota invites, but meeeeeeeeh.


Haters gon' hate.

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